Hackathon - Schedule - Follow the schedule that is given - Prizes - Surfaces - Need to be bought - Nexus 7 - Das Keyboard - BoogieBoard - Submission - Strongly encourage via github - 75 private repo - Free private repo - Google form to fill out for submission - Announcements - People need to help announce - Volunteers - Need to be gotten - Food to be bought - Food still need to get Lan Party/Game Day - Reserved the room in Etcheverry December 2 - Talk to AAA - Joint event with eSport and CSUA - Board game, starcraft and LoL - Questions - What is eSports doing to make this a joint event? - How are we splitting up volunteers? - Splitting up costs if we don't get sponsors? - Splitting up sponsorship? Future Events - Hack+ - All Sundays - 3pm-11pm - GM 1 - Feb 1 - 5-12 - GM 2 - GM 3 - Welcome Week BBQ - January 25 - Alumni BBQ - - Hackathon - Feb 22 - 4 - Feb 23 6pm - CFG #1 - CFG #2 - CFG #3 - Dates - January 25 - 5-12 everything else - February 1 - February 8 - February 22 - 4-6pm the next day - Mar 8 - 4-6pm the next day - April 5 - April 19 - 4-6pm the next day Winter Retreat - Nate is fronting the money