Meeting Minutes 1/23/13 The CSUA agenda --------------- 1. BBQ (this friday, wtf) - logistics - advertising * blast emails out to other student groups - AWE - HKN - IEE * go to freshman classes? 2. Calapalooza - TABLING (and a table) - People for tabling (DAMMIT JEFF TALK TO PEOPLE) - get the goddamn banner down there 3. Startup fair - sponsors for future events? (lower priority) 4. Food - office food: healthy options? (lol good joke) - meeting food 5. AAA's lanb4time 6 Welcome Week BBQ: 1. we have hotdogs 2. Eric has already flyered 3.. need chips, charcoal, drinks, relish, onions. lighter fluid, hula hoops? 4 we need a volly ball, Advertising 1. Make a spreadsheet of classes to announce at (Erika) 2. Make a google form to get people's emails at calapalooza (Erika) 3. we need a table, we need to get there early Rahul and Pedro are setting up Food at meetings in the future Buy healthier food for the office Pedro is doing webmatering stuff Jeffery is looking into room reservations for events