Minutes 4/24/13 Agenda: 1. Door and light in the office to be fixed 2. Jobs list 3. google glass 4. jobs mailing list 5. google developers group 6. alumni BBQ 7. GM3 8. Brian Harvey Dinner 9. LAN 10. Rack Space 11. SCI labs Minutes 1. Google glass a. probably not a good idea for the club to buy b. it's expensive, and a liability c. people probably not spend that much time using it d. verdict: opposed to buying google glass--not going to happen 2. Door and Light fixture e. Collin already sent out the email to get these fixed f. Jeff will ask again 3. Jobs Mailing List g. put a form for companies on the website? h. list requirements on the website i. requirements of a jobs posting? i. paid ii. expected minimum payment iii. location iv. intership/fulltime ? v. description of company vi. job description vii. points of contact 4. Google Dev Group j. want to do an open source workshop next semester k. Rahul will contact them 5. Rackspace l. Andy will contact them, look into getting something set up for next semester 6. Alumni BBQ m. Happening this Sunday n. expect around 50 or 40 o. Eric will buy the food 7. GM3 p. Happening May 1, 6:30 q. Buy pizza? Cheeseboard 8. Brian Harvey Dinner r. Happening May 4th s. Zatar t. Everyone pay's $10, we will be subsidising the rest 9. LAN Party u. Co-event eSports v. CSUA is paying/ eSports pays nothing w. CSUA will be providing snacks only, no meals 10. SCI Lab x. something to add to the machines y. speak to Colin about it