- Officer discussion - Serious discussion about what being an officer entails - should be helpful @ events and helpful in the office (talking to people, cleaning the office) - no minimum time to become officer, but should show dedication - Rahul wants officers to be welcoming to new people (last semester people didn't do that so much) - Officer approvals - Diego, Maaj, Sanath, Sarah will be getting emails. - Square wants us to supply volunteers and advertising - are we paying? No if we have to play and maybe if we don't - $250 to just advertise - Jack Dorsey (CEO of Twitter and Square, Collin should have mentioned that and saved some time) wants to talk - Welcome week BBQ - More organized - There will be advertising for events in Friday lectures - Events on the board - Hina makes speech after people get food - Rahul making food - Sherry, Jeff and Paul going to Costco run tomorrow (9/5) - Elizabeth will have a laptop with a sign-up sheet - Hack+ debrief - needed more food - under $30~$40 for food - Unix/Vim debrief - enough people showed up - relatively successful - will post slides on cs61a piazza - Office matters - make sure door is closed at night - after 12, take belt off and just let people in - Startup Fair - need flyers printed - need parking to be dealt with - 9/20, 10/3 events? - need event ideas - git workshop? - debugger workshop? - 10/4 Nike - CFG even - Tab board - wait for Sherry/Hina to approve - Google Calendar - Jeff, work on calendar pls - Usable but times are wrong