10/29 Meeting Agenda Attend: Austin, Claire, Megan, Angela, Jason, Barak, Yitz, Kevin, Sid, Michelle, Caleb, Allen, Ana, Keivn Late: Michael - Hackathon - Prizes - Monitors - 1st - Headphones - 2nd - Hard drives - 3rd - Raspberry Pis - 4th/honorable mention - Food - all done :) - Megan is going to make some really cute lil' lollipops - Judges - Two from Meraki - One from google - coming for tomorrow and Saturday - Publicity: - In class announcements: - did we do all of these?? - Website - Austino?? - we have one that's done, but we might wanna change it - List that the judges are from Meraki and Google - Signup Sheet: - looks like we have 2 people from each thingy - do we have a checkoff list?? - if we don't have anyone, pick from the office - NerdWallet (11/3 6-8 PM) - Resume Review with FOODZ! - They want us to get LaVaals - two servings: 6PM and 7PM - Need to front money -> 80 people or so - expect it to be ~$400 - Want to try not have too many people coming at once - there is a sign up sheet on the facebook page for students to pick a slot - Megan will delegate slots the day before or so - They didn't send us a flyer, so we just won't do that - give them a sheet so they can see who signed up for what - EECS Internship Fair - they are looking for volunteers - Department internship is next Wednesday - if you wanna help out, ask Claire or Atalie - If anyone (besides Jason) wants to go around and talk to different companies, then talk to Jason - GM #2 (11/4 6 - 8) - We have a super cool speaker!! Jeff Atwood - ask if he has any dietary restrictions so that we can plan accordingly - He's talking about "Lessons Learned building StackOverflow" - Food: - Try to have food ordered by Monday or Tuesday - Poster: - Eranda is trying to print it, but we don't have a high quality image - Ituit Stuff - Intuit has paid PSR!! - We are now just waiting on Phi Sigma Rho for a check - make sure that we get this by mid november - Office Security - We had two laptops stolen while officers/people were in there - happened around 8PM on Saturday - Same people came back twice trying to pull the same trick - Sunday around 7:30 - Monday around 5:30 - They ask to charge their phone, then sit near the back - They will go through people's stuff :(( >.< - We have contacted UCP and the department - PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE YOUR THINGS UNGUARDED!! - If you see them around campus, please call UCPD - We want to talk about how we can make the office more safe - We should send a message to our members about what happened - tell them that they need to be very careful with their things - remind them that it is not our responsibility to keep your things safe - Should we keep the door locked?? - Yes - We should put a sign on the door - should have a minimum number of officers - Decision: - Keep the door always locked for the next couple of weeks - Put a sign on the door to let people know what's happening - Office Misc - Reorganize during hackathon - Ana is going to send out that email tonight! - Should help because now two more computers can face the door - Will happen at 10 AM :) - FOODS from the hackathon - ROOT DAAAAAAY! - Come learn about how we deal with all of our technical stuffs - servers, hardware, etc. - Want to be next week or the week after?? - want to try and give two weeks notice - Austino is going to send out a poll - two options - New Officers - Caleb Wyllie - really likes CS and likes the CSUA because it brings together people with a passion for CS; Likes the people here; Feels like he can contribute to the club - likes helping other people - helped at BBQ, studies in the office a lot - Michelle Hsueh - "dragged" into the CSUA by Jeremy; met lots of people (who are cool hsometimes) here. - Really likes how people get along and how the club is all inclusive - provides a nice atmosphere - would be interested in a leadership role in the club; wants to develop skills in IR - helped at GM1, helped with tech talks, carries and eats food - Barak Zhou - same as above :) - basically lives at the club - found it to be a good group of people - feels like he can contribute and learn a lot from the CSUA - build connections, reach out to companies, host events, etc - does have some experience with hosting events - Microsoft and Twitch; also been to others that we can't remember - Jordan Hart - Ana will remind him - Angela Kuo - thinks that the CSUA does a lot of cool things :) - would like to be part of something that helps the department and something that is interesting - has a lot of free time that she is willing to contribute to the club - willing to talk to other companies and try to get sponsorships, etc - went to the GMs - Nathan Zhang - next week ACTION ITEMS: Austino: - get that website up and running Ana: - Send out the damn email about the office reoganization