11/12 Meeting Agenda Attendance: Sid, Allen, Susanna, Barak, Austin, Kara, Eranda, Claire, Youdong, Michelle Layteeeeee Peeeeps: LEO!, Angela, Allen - Root Day (11/15 3-6 PM) - 11/15 3:00pm - 6:00, 320 Soda - THIS SUNDAY!! - officers/prosp officers ONLY!! - dinner? - Possibility of grouping up after to go to food, but nothing provided - Assume that everyone has some basic knowledge about computers - have some basic review bits, but then we'll get into more of the stuff - talk about how website works, what the servers do - Austino will prepare a doc and send it out to Root staff for proofreading - LAN with HKN (11/20 5:30 setup - Midnight) - HKN is providing food - Do we want to do dinner/snacks?? - just snacks! - Do we want to provide our desktops? - it takes a lot of work to set up everything - could ask HKN to carry things - Could only bring up one or two computers - ONLY BRING 2 COMPUTERS! - What to Bring: - 2 computers - Wii/TV - Dance Central (xBox)? - Board Games - We haven't had the best experiences with LAN parties -> might want to replace them with Board Games - Make a Facebook event for internal (officers/prosp officers) - Make a signup sheet - coordinate with HKN?? - give it a try and see how it goes - Pinterest Tech Talk (12/4) - do we want to do this?? - (-) They aren't going to pay for us - (-) We'd be responsible for the whole room and stuff - (+) BUT we don't wanna just drop out on them - (+) possible future sponsorship - (-) Two other student groups (HKN and UPE) already working on the event - we could bring up our concerns with Pinterest - ask them for a sponsorship?? - Doesn't really seem like they are going to be willing to attach themselves to one group -> they skirted XRG and are working with three different orgs - Redbull Destiny tournament (11/18 4-12 PM) - Still need to get a room! - Do we need to do anything else?? - provide people for help? - We have the woz booked - Redbull told us that that we just need to get a room - it seems like we're going to need to have officers there to make sure things go smoothly. - Redbull agreed to pay for the clean-up fee - it seems just like e-sports is using us to get a room - we need to see if e-sports will give us some money for cleaning the room - It doesn't seem like anyone will want to go to the event - no one will want to sit there for the entire time - We don't know anyone who plays Destiny - We will talk to e-sports@berkeley and see if we can get some money for cleaning the room/helping out with the event - not going to do another one of these ones - Megan should send out a signup sheet - Officer/Prospective officer policy proposal - want to make the officer application process more structured - come to the first PB meeting after you apply so that PB gets to know you - will send out event emails to prosp/officers so that they can plan out which events to go to, etc. - Will wait to vote on this until all 7 PB can be here - GM3 - need to send out the event post and let people know when the event is happening - needs to send out an email to members - Think about if you want to run for a PB position :) - Office Misc - New arrangement +/Δ - new table to replace the wood-grain one?? - Ana and Claire are looking into buying two tables to replace the biggest one - new chairs?? - armrests for sure! - need to make sure that they aren't super fragile - small table for microwave?? - Sign on the door telling people that we can't let people into soda? - "Welcome to the CSUA! Please knock to be let into this room!!" - "Unfortunately, we can't let anyone into Soda" - Security - door locked 24/7 +/Δ - Doing very well - feel that it is working out goodly - Officerships: - Sid: Met Ana the day before classes started; reconnected a little bit after that. Has had a lot of fun at various events. Feels that the CSUA does a lot of important events, from corporate events to social events. Would like to be a part of organizing all of the events. Was part of a similar club in highschool, so he has some experience in event planning. Events: went to all of the infosessions (execpt the last one) and the hackathon - Nathan: Met Megan at Calso, but then reconnected in the spring. Really likes the feeling of the club and finds us to be very inclusive. Lots of different people from lots of different STEM majors. Feels that CSUA is the "accepting" club of the CS department -> we don't have a GPA cap to get in. Does a lot of research so he has a lot of faculty connections. Really likes coding (potential Tech VP???) Events: Meraki event, UPE movie night, party during the summer, clean up at the stackoverflow GM, running undergrad research symposium. - Allen: Got introduced to the CSUA by Jeremy. Really like the environment of the CSUA and enjoys the events. Wants to be part of the team that is pulling it off. Really wants to be part of the CSUA to help out with events and to learn s=more about the club. Feels that he can help the CSUA/CS community. Events: Helped direct people at the startup fair; went to the hackathon (stayed the entire time!!!) ACTION ITEMS: Austino: - Make a document for Root day and send it to Root Staff - Figure out which two computers to take to the LAN party - Talk to the department to get wired AirBears Susanna: - Internal Facebook event for the LAN Party - Signup Sheet for the LAN Party -> coordinate with HKN - ask HKN to get more snacks :) Megan: - Send out a signup sheet Jason: - Contact esports@berkeley and the RedBull Rep and make sure that we're all on the same page - MAKE SURE TO CC CLAIRE!! - Email Pinterest to ask if they will sponsor us (next hack, etc) Eranda: - Set up a fb event for the GM3 - make sure to send out an email to all members about the GM