Here on time: Sid, Jason, Ana, Kevin, Yitz, Michelle, Caleb Late (!): Austin, Leo, Barak, Robert, Susanna, Kara, Nathan Yitz as new Sec/Treas Dropbox Event - Met with HKN - Probably not happening. - HKN: Either do it one group or the other, or we're not doing it Cal Day (4/16) - Volunteers! - Either be a tour guide or be a front desk person - Only really need to know about 2nd/3rd/4th floors. - We should get a banner or something so we are publicized during Cal Day - Tabling! Office Mis - New Price List - Fewer items. - Apple Juice is $1. - Office Rules - Rules for the office! So we can point to it if certain members are being unruly. - make a poster?? - New chairs - Dirty. Crumby. Let's get new chairs! - AmazonBasics - Start with 2 chairs to see if we like them. - Do people like arms on the desk? - Not really...... - Hoping for 3 chairs with arms, 3 without arms - New equipments....? - Issue with graphics cards/motherboard/something? - Maybe a new table - Money Issues - We get money stolen :( - 8 $1s. All other ($5+) back in the lock box. - Usually this is enough. - Officer duties - No longer a "you don't really have to do anything" role - Office hours !!!!! - Show up to your office hours. - Keep the office clean during your office hour. - Help out at events! - Office Cleaning: - Would be announced at meeting, not included in meeting minutes; pop quiz (cleaning)! - Just in general, keep things clean. - If you're the last officer in the room, make sure it's clean before you leave. - Otherwise, it makes the office look rather dirty.. - BE AWARE EVEN IF YOU'RE GAMING - Beware of theft! - Sink. - Do NOT pour cup noodles down the sink. - Trash Bags - If we get janitorial service go back again, then we're fine. - But we may need to get some trash bags... - Officer Applications - New form! - Voted on Officers! - Sid: Send out a volunteer sheet for Cal Day. Free tshirt! - Caleb: Poke around at computers when you have time.