Here: Juntai, Allen, Alex, Jason, Austin, Kara, Julie, Yitz, Ana, Barak, Caleb, Shrayus, Kevin Late: Michelle 2/24/16 Meeting Agenda GM2: - HKN will be in the Woz until 8 - food: want to order for ~80 people - We'll check attendance closer. - Berkeley Thai House! - Fliers. - Help put them up. There will be a stack in the office. Start Up Fair (3/16): - CSUA is doing all the publicity again - info and data for Sid so he can pub? - - tshirts: - dark blue - Claire did it! - Blame Claire. - now in the West pauley ballroom - Volunteers! - []{.underline} - wait until IEEE updates this before signing up - Prosps! Sign up to help out. - "Go-for-y" people. - Or is it "Gopher-y" people? - If you volunteer, you get a free shirt! Research Symposium: - Updates? - Sid spammed every possible.. _____ ("uhh you know" -michelle) Twitter: - We have a twitter now! - Please no email notifications. Company Campus Tour - We can get a bus rented to go somewhere. - Get sponsored by that company? - Just food; we can pay for transportation. - What companies? - Tesla - Facebook - Google - Yelp - Apple - Meraki (+ Sherry) - Probably won't happen this semester, but next semester, this would be great. - We might get it working for this semester. - 20 people max. - How do people get in? - Essays? Random? Something else? - Some companies may want to cater to a minority. In that case, "something else" is the better option - Hackathon: - Call with Meraki next week. - "They're on board for up to $5000." Office Misc: - Rules: - Don't do anything that violates the law of University policy - [Keep yourself, your surroundings, and the office clean]{.underline} - Be courteous to your peers - Sleeping in the office is not permitted - During business hours (weekdays 10 AM-7 PM) the office should be a productive, inclusive workspace - please assist your peers - video gaming is not permitted - full screen video is not permitted - Please keep noise pollution to a minimum - Checking out equipment is an option. - Clean: No bottles on the floor, empty the trash every while, no chopsticks on the floor - Put things away! - Keyboards - Mice - Headphones - Cords - Food - Soda cans - Plates - Shirts - Shoes - Officers: Vacuum the floor if it's dirty. - Put this in office hour duties! - Take out the trash, keep things clean, etc. - How do we ensure officers do this? - Remove officership? - One warning, then you're kicked out. - Random cleaning session! Right at 7. "Either clean with us or get out." - Consistently after PB meeting? - - Printing out rule signs? - - New Rules?? - - Respect the office equipment (keyboards, mice, etc) - Make sure that you return all equipment to the way you found it at the end of your visit - Need a charger? trade an officer your ID to borrow one - Penalty (maybe group penalty?) for having a non-clean office - e.g. no gaming for 24 hours if office is not clean in the morning - - (Edit) Check who logged in last, take away their gaming privileges for 24 hours or something - (Edit) 8 hour log in times before you can game. - - - If you want to use a mouse that is not junk: - Trade an ID. - What about officers? - Some kind of log sheet? - Entry when you take a mouse or something. - Get 2 AmazonBasics mice - Don't simply unplug a keyboard and put it on the table if it's broken - Tell other PB members, somehow notify them. - People coming in to store food in the fridge - People can't store their own food in our fridge. - Nothing we are actively selling stays in the fridge, with minor exceptions - no personal food items - We need to put up rules. - Make it really visible. - Next to the whiteboard on the middle-north facing wall. - Or, put them on the fridge? - Reiterate the rules to people signing up for CSUA membership. - Prosps Shrayus! Hi, my name is Shrayus. "Shrayus, what is your favorite traffic sign?" "It's the roundabout, because they look so interesting. " Alex! First year in EECS. Wants to be an officer.