Here! Ana, Jason, Michelle, Sid, Yitz Late! Caleb, Kara, Kevin, Shrayus, Leo, Neil, Austin 3/2/16 Meeting Agenda GM2: - Introduction?? - Handled by Michelle - He has a power point - Food is coming at 8PM - Closer to $9 per person Startup Fair: - Ana is ordering shirts tomorrow morning - Volunteer! EECS faculty Retreat - Every year, student orgs send a representative to the faculty retreat. - We need someone to go to retreat meetings, then actually going to the retreat. - Caleb will go! - TechStart - target group is students who have been placed in a course (might not have interest in CS) - - want to build interest - show them what cool things can be done? - Show them hackathon projects! Internships! Companies! - Student panel about life in CS - Interactive workshop? - We don't have enough computers... - Showcase the tetris thing - Alex Chuuuuuuuu. Come baaaack. - "Alex (pi)Chu we 'chu'se you" - Jason will take over from Megan. UPE Movie Night - Main concerns: - Big Hero 6 pls D: - We need to get Fast + Furious - Food! - Burritos last semester. - Pizza or burritos? - Pizza. - Sliver? West Coast? Cheeseboard? La Val's? Dominoes? - We need something that delivers. - We'll get Sliver, then somehow bring up the food. - Drinks? - We'll see after GM 2. - CSUA Movie Night - Michelle: "It was me, Sid, and Juntai just watching South Park for an hour." - was a fail CSUA Ice Cream Social??? - 3/18, 6-8PM! - Everyone!!! - We will get ice cream either at Safeway or at Costco. - How do we make sure the ice cream doesn't turn into slush? - Keep it in an ice box? - Room is already booked. Hackathon - April 1st - 2nd. - Prizes? - Roughly: - 4 x $150 - 4 x $75 - 4 x $50 - More mini-prizes? - 1 prize for the trollest hack? - Monitors (big-prize) - Amazon gift card (mini-prize) - Drones - BB8 toy - Kindle Fire - Speakers (jambox jawbone?) - External hard drives - Board games? Let's get CSUA Stickers!!!! What about CSUA hoodies? - "Would you be interested?" Office Misc: - Rules poster: Final thoughts? - Added Kara's rule about being considerate in using computers -- "limit your time to 2 hours during busy times" - Not strictly enforced.. but be considerate. - Is this an okay idea? - Most people say yes. - - Implemented yitz's ideas about changing font sizes - Ana's against saying "Work is prioritized above all". - If someone spends half an hour switching between hearthstone and writing an essay, is that really work? - You could say "Computer use is balanced." - Full screen videos in the office? - Discouraged because it makes the office look bad during work times. - Full screen league looks like you're actually playing games. - Close-to-full-screen isn't much of a difference though. - But lecture videos........ - - Favorite computer? - Be nice about asking to switch computers. - New fine text on the bottom of the sheet: Failure to comply can result in removal of your member permissions - But how do we kick them out? How do we enforce? - Well we could theoretically just be mean to them. - Nobody we know has really needed this though. - Costco run - What do we like about the food amounts? - They seem fine. - - Don't throw noodles down the sink. - More coke zero? - Suggestions? - Angus Cheeseburgers. - - Stuff in the back? - Donate, sell, or just throw them out - - Checking out games? - Unnecessary - Computers - Have Caleb figure out what's working and what isn't. So we don't need to over-fix. - Let's get a date to figure out what's wrong with all the computers and shut down the office so that we can figure things out. - This works during the LAN Party? - Caleb is open during the Hackathon. Let's do it during then. - Hire Collin to do our servers? - Leo: "Offered him money, he didn't do it" - Hire some professional? - Or what if we move our servers to some online thing? - Over time, hosting service is more expensive. - But they will maintain it and have backups and such. - - Jason: Take over TechStart communications from Megan. Sid: Publicize for Ice Cream Social. Ana: Get ice cream for ice cream social. Caleb: Figure out what's working and what isn't. Also event on April 1st-2nd to fix computers.