12/3/15 Meeting Minutes Attendance: Charles, Jason, Yika, Sid, Megan, Michelle, Susana, Eranda, Ana, Claire, Kara, Sanath, Austino, Leo, Sherry Late McLate Pants: Nathan GM 3: - Non Members were voting for candidates - against the constitution - our fault for not checking before hand - a lot of people left right after the first three candidates - Not sure what to do: - would we want to do more of a digital version of voting? - is it necessary to do a re-vote for the first three positions? - is it possible that there was enough valid votes that we don't need to do all three over? - We don't know exactly who voted, and we don't know the exact number of votes - Can't say for certain that any one of the first three elections were not affected - Proposal: Send out an email to the newmembers email address. - ssh into their account so they must prove that - cannot assume that all of these people are students (ie: alumni) - Proposal: Have another meeting for voting - Absentee voting system: - must fill out a form using their berkeley.edu email - CSUA login - SID - Only Jeff would have access to these - Decision: - Meeting during early finals week - Candidates only get 2 minutes to speak - 20 minutes for discussion, max - all members must sign in before voting - seat them at tables together so we can make sure everyone is - Meeting at 8 PM on Friday, 12/11 Pinterest (12/4): - NOTHING!! De-stress Brunch in the Breezeway: - we need to order more bagels! - Ana and Megan will take care of it - Ana will go to Safeway on Friday - pick up 6 bottles of OJ Stackoverflow Shirts: - Give shirts to officers who helped at the event - Lots of stickers as a free-for-all