8/6/16 Summer Slack Meeting! Meeting Agenda - Officer Reapplication Voting - Retreat info - Hackathon sponsors? - Wiping computers - New computer parts - Server? - + feedback form - Curtain on door? (don't hurt me) Lets just talk this :) Meeting Minutes Present: All PB except Caleb who's in Canada - Officer Reapplication Voting - Auto approve PB. - 1 semester unofficial rule to allow officership/membership if person was undergraduate student last semester. Unanymous Yes. - No: - Leo Wu - Nathan Zhang - Jeff Zhang - Yes: - Kevin Ma - Austin Kim - Juntai - Ana - Alex Dao - Michelle Hseuh - TASK: Megan, email acceptance/rejectance emails. - TASK: Yitz, change door code at start of semester. - TASK: Caleb, update officer mailing lists. - Retreat info - 696 housing total, paid by yitz (deposit) and megan, everyone's paid megan back. - 372 for cars and additional gas to be refunded by csua to megan. - Costco run for food to be done by megan and refunded by csua. - No alcohol. - TASK: Neil, iron out the details. - Hackathon sponsors? - Workday bailed - Micron, MSFT, Meraki our sponsors. Approx 2k, 2k or prizes, 4k respectively. - TASK: Sid, keep contact and get contracts ASAP. - Wiping computers - 1. Send out email to all csua members, incl alumni, about computer wipe. Let them know to come grab the shit they need. - 2. Give 3 weeks grace period. - 3. Wipe them and reinstall the necessary and carry on.(edited) - TASK: Caleb: look into how feasible this is. - TASK: Megan, send out wipe warning ASAP. - New computer parts - Keep old dvd drives in back. Useless. - Buying 2 new computers. - TASK: Megan, buy the parts with CSUA $$ - TASK: Sid, build the computers - TASK: Megan, notify members of wipes this semester. - Server? - Caleb's working on it. - TASK: Caleb, keep working on it. - + feedback form - TASK: Yitz, Send out once at start of sem to officers (reapplicants), and once halfway through sem to all members. - Curtain on door? (don't hurt me) Lets just talk this :) - DISCUSS AT RETREAT Task breakdown: - Megan: - email officer reapplicants - Send out wipe warning - Buy computer parts - Yitz: - Change doorcode start of semester - Send out feedback form to officers at start of semester - Send out feedback form to members at mid semester - Caleb - Update officers on mailing list and website - Look into how feasible computer wipes are - Work on buying server - Neil - Retreat everything. - BBQ - Sid - Build computers - Work on hack sponsorships and aim for contracts (agreement sheet)