8/30/16 CSUA Meeting Agenda - Welcome BBQ +/Δ - Calapalooza 8/31, 2 - 7 PM, Sproul - Microsoft Infosession 9/2, 5:30 - 7:30 PM, Woz - EMC Tech talk 9/6, 6 PM dinner, 6:30 talk, Sibley - Riot Tech talk 9/7 7-9 PM, 159 Mulford - Dropbox Tech Talk 9/9, 6-8 PM, Sibley - GM #1 9/9, 8:10 - 11 PM, Woz - State farm tech talk 9/12, 5-7 PM?, MLK Stephens - Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge 9/13, 6 - 7:30 PM, 320 Soda - Pinterest Tech talk 9/15, 5-7 PM?, Sibley - Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP - Misc: - Computers - clean & move water and rum and see if they die? Only upgrade graphics? - Move to D instead of wipe? - Office cleaning? - New chairs? - New server? - Hackathon website [http://csua.berkeley.edu/hackathonfa16/]{.underline} - Photos from Tushar - faculty/student lunches - Food in fridge? - Officer applications Welcome to first official CSUA PB meeting of Fall 2016! Couldn't make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline} Attendance! Jeremy, Caleb, Jackson, Alex, Julie, Barak, Andres, Michelle, Victor, Neil, Tushar, Megan, Kevin, Yitz, Sid, Akash, Parth, Hong Late: Robert 8/30/16 CSUA Meeting Agenda - Welcome BBQ +/Δ - Plus: - Good outreach! - Selfie +1. - Delta: - Room access........ - Need more food!!!!! - Number of people RSVP'd didn't represent people who came. - The FB event did say 160 people, but we looked at attendance one week in advance. So not that many people. So we didn't get enough food... - We overbought, but we still didn't get enough. Because our initial estimation was too low. - Calapalooza 8/31, 2 - 7 PM, Sproul - Have to arrive early to set up. - Get banner, tablecloth, etc. - Business cards!!! And stickers! - Flyers are being made and they will be printed. - We shouldn't actively flyer ??? - Except for people who arrive at the table. - Cannot have more than 2 people per club. 2 clubs per table. - Microsoft Infosession 9/2, 5:30 - 7:30 PM, Woz. - Flyers need to go up D: - Food will come at 5:30. Has not been paid for yet. - Volunteer sheet sent out. We should have more people set up than to clean up. - Room access! - EMC Tech talk 9/6, 6 PM dinner, 6:30 talk, Sibley + Garb - Flyers have been sent to us; they need to be printed then set up. - Get food, key, volunteers. - Riot Tech talk 9/7 7-9 PM, 159 Mulford - No food :c Riot's famous enough that it'll be fine. - Dropbox Tech Talk 9/9, 6-8 PM, Sibley + Garb - Bennett will be there! + EMC, Riot, Pinterest as well. - + Facebook + Flyer - GM #1 9/9, 8:10 - 11 PM, Woz - Gypsy's! - Short presentation -- current events, etc. And board games! - Jeremy will be making a costco run quick. - Facebook! And flyer! C: (+ pusheen) - State farm tech talk 9/12, 5-7 PM?, MLK Stephens - As soon as we get the room confirmed, we're good to go. Yes for food; Barak just has to pick one. - Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge 9/13, 6 - 7:30 PM, 320 Soda - We'll need to set up food location and stuff... - GS is antsy about "sponsorship" wording. - As long as they pay, we're okay. - Pinterest Tech talk 9/15, 5-7 PM?, Sibley + Garb - Next next thursday. - Food! - Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP - Next next thursday. Next? - We already have HP booked. - We just need to make a presentation and a facebook event! And a few piazza posts. - Misc: - Computers - clean & move water and rum and see if they die? Only upgrade graphics? - If they work just fine afterwards, then it's fine. - They're ollllld.... - If we move them, we have to let ETS know about this. Each ethernet port is mapped with a MAC address, and that'll change with moving computers. - Move to D instead of wipe? - SSD is getting overstuffed with user files. The hard drive can hold them. - Solution: Move user files to hard drive! - Office cleaning? - Right after PB meeting!!! - Perhaps we should get a rug cleaner? - New chairs? - They are disgusting. - They're all different sizes and shapes and etc. - 4 new chairs! - What about the old ones? - We can put some of them back in the labs downstairs. Or we can trash them..... - New server? - "How's it going Caleb?" - ".... Nope. It's not going." - Contact Loren! Get help on server! - On that note, our newuser script is broken. - Hackathon website [http://csua.berkeley.edu/hackathonfa16/]{.underline} - It looks nice! "The CSUA logo is off..." - Photos from Tushar - New pictures for PB and officers! - Slightly controversial topic. We're the only club not to have uniform pictures. - Should we all switch to a uniform picture? - Optional! - faculty/student lunches - Really helpful for us to meet faculty! - Looks good because we're doing something nice for students! - 4 lunches. - We just need to secure professors. - Food in fridge? - You can leave food in the fridge... but only if the person is still there. - If the person leaves, it's hoser/trash. - Office hours...... - Neiiiiiiiiilllll!!!!!! - How do we enforce this? - 3 misses; you're out. Or two?? - Put a paper in the back; have them sign in there. - We'll be changing the door code roughly once a month. - Officer applications - Akash Khosla - 2nd year - Didn't do anything yet, really. He's been to a few events, like the recruiting session. - Sid + Barak recommended it; down to meet new people! - Tushar Pankaj - 2nd year - Joined the club last week! Helped with the welcome bbq and general office. - It seems like an interesting thing to do and I want to help the club! - Jeremy Park - At least a year left. - Helped at the welcome BBQ - There really is no other way to get info unless you're on the officer mailing list! - Andres Guzman - 2nd year in college, but junior status! - Just transferred, but did help at welcome BBQ - Lots of free time! So he wants to do something productive, like helping out at events. And he's bored in his apartment! The office is better. - Parth Singhal - Sophomore! - Helped clean at a couple board game nights. - Sid + Juntai recommend. Being an officer is a good use of my time! - Alex Thomas - Freshman! - Haven't done any events. 2nd week here. - I enjoy CS and I love to talk about it with other people! And I want to meet new people and make new friends! - Hong Jun Jeon - 2nd year - Haven't attended anything; joined the club yesterday. - Sid recommend! 4 day weekend; wanna meet new people... - Victor Sun - Freshman! - Haven't really helped anything. - Enjoy planning events! He wants to help with planning stuff. - @Caleb clean computers pls! And move computers pls! - @Caleb figure out what's going on with our computers? - Or @Tushar... - Business cards!!! And stickers!