Present: Brian Sang, Caleb, Kevin, Susanna, Robert, Jeremy, Jordan, Julie, Andrew, Barak, Megan, Kevin, Neil, Austin, Loren, Sid, JC, Blaire Came in later: Charlie 9/6/16 Meeting Agenda Couldn't make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: []{.underline} - Calapalooza +/Δ - Microsoft Infosession +/Δ - EMC Tech talk +/Δ - Riot Tech talk 9/7 7-9 PM, 159 Mulford - Dropbox Tech Talk 9/9, 6-8 PM, Sibley - GM #1 9/9, 8:10 - 11 PM, Woz - State farm tech talk 9/12, 6-8 PM?, MLK Stephens (??) - Goldman Sachs Coding Challenge 9/13, 6 - 7:30 PM, 320 Soda (??) - Pinterest Tech talk 9/15, 5-7 PM?, Sibley - Unix Workshop 9/16, 6-8 PM, HP - LaTeX workshop 9/23, 6-8 PM, HP - Misc: - Tushar/Caleb, computer situation? Clean, D vs wipe? - New chairs - later - New server - later - Weekly email to newmembers? - Photos from tushar []{.underline} 9/11 4 PM? - @yitz take charge of accountability officer hours? - Newuser bug - Officer applications - Brian!!! - UPE Web Dev chair. - Staff member of OCF. - "East Asian Union" but for EECS groups! - Why do we need one? We already have ESC, ASUC, etc. - If you go to EECS website and see the list of student orgs, there are 17 total undergrad EECS groups. - But those are only the officially recognized ones; there's so many more. - It's hard to book rooms... - Lots of students need help with tutoring, advice, industry, internships, aahhhhh - We as a whole can do more to help bring EECS together! - We'd like to create a collaborative culture: - Use the influence of our orgs! - Everyone who needs help can get help. - Many people don't know about the tutoring services. - Improved communication between the EECS groups as a whole. - Modeled after things like EAU or others, like a conglomerate club of clubs. - Biweekly meetings with club officers, etc. - Agenda focused. Got any issues? Etc. - What can we provide? - We'll get people together! More club collaboration. - Get news of our events out to more people in a better way - Improved communication. - We as EECS groups should be able to come together and come up with a better action plan when things like Rao's thing happen again. - Size of EECS has grown to a point where our representation in ESC alone doesn't cut it. - From what we see, ESC doesn't quite add much value. - How would a new EECS group add value to our club? - Non-overlapping events, etc. - General timeline of events! Synced calendars! - What benefits would membership give? - Event promotion! - Collaborate with other clubs to promote things. - Woz/HP reservations. Not sustainable as it is, even without collaboration. - One thing an EECS student council could do is to make reserving outside space a lot more viable. - Allocation of resources/representation: - There needs to be some leadership. How does this happen? - Council presidents from the clubs? - Doesn't necessarily require presidents, but send up at least one representative? - Email: []{.underline}. Contact him for more information here! - Calapalooza - Plus - We had a lot of people come! - Delta - We left a bit early. We misjudged when peak time was, so we stopped flyering -- but we got back out there. - Other group flyered in front of us. - Yitz - Send caleb the list of emails . - Microsoft - Plus - Lots of people! - Delta - Too many people! - Career center advertised for us, and they sent out the wrong information. - Main solution: Get Sibley instead. - Word of mouth got wayyyy out of there. - - EMC - Plus - Sibley had a lot of room. But we didn't really need it did we? - Good speaker! - Delta - Bad timing. Right through classes. (right during 170) - Hardware :c - We have so many events, but some of them don't really have a purpose. What do?? - We have this attitude because of slack in past few semesters. - Riot (9/7) - Flyers! - Diversions for sibley. - Where is Mulford??? - Next to LKS - Access is unnecessary! - Dropbox (9/9) - Sibley. - Room access! - Food will be done tomorrow. - GM #1 - Flyers not up yet. - FB is up! - Food is good! - Access is weird again :c - Board Game Night! C: C: C: - State Farm (9/12) - Got food, got room reservation. - No access yet - No flyer yet! - Goldman Sachs (9/13) - We finally have our terms of agreement thing. - We might actually need a key for this one. - We have flyers; aren't up yet. - + Facebook event - Keep food in 320. - Table unnecessary. Just put a banner up. - Pinterest (9/15) - Sibley. - No flyer yet, no fb yet - Unix workshop (9/16) - HP. - Go to the front desk for access. - Presentation! - Piazza post, FB event <- Megan - LaTeX workshop (9/23) - HP, also. - Yitz + Caleb will work on presentation - Piazza, FB <- Megan - Computers! - Caleb + Tushar - D drives! - They are getting very full. A lot of it is user files. - Not all computers have SSDs. For those, we can install SSDs along the hard drives - For the ones that already do, we need to clear at least some of the data off. - The hard drives themselves are already full... because of other things? - Costco is selling 1 TB drives for $100? - How about we contact EMC for one of their hard drives? - Not wiping the SSDs; we'll just clean the SSDs. - New Chairs! - New server! - Just in case things screw up, back up server datas - Newmembers mailing list! - Emails are helpful. Let's get this back up. - It would require we finalize events and etc. More doable in a *regular* semester. - Blurb, date, stuff! - Photos from Tushar! - Sunday, 9/11. 4PM. If anyone can't make this, talk to Tushar. We'll be taking pictures on the breezeway. - Optional! - Office Hours! - Yitz checks it. - Newuser bug. - They can't access their home directories :c - Because our newuser script has a bug. - (because now it's running on Apache, which has 'safety features' and can't run as root :c) - It can be manually fixed on a case by case basis. - Workarounds are being done. - - - In addition, a few new prosps aren't getting emails. - - New prosps! - Charlie Tian - Hi Charlie! - I'm Charlie. EECS, sophomore. - Not really an active member before this, but attended a few events and was here over the summer. - Interested in CSUA bc in my freshman year, I didn't really get involved in CS stuff, so now I'm getting more into it. Like more interesting classes, but not just academics! Get more involved, get connected. - JC Dy - Intended CS, first year. - I'm a first year!!! I've attended most of the events so far though. - I want to be an officer mostly bc I didn't really have many clubs that I was interested in/related to stuff I did, and this was one of the first clubs here that stood out. It's a social club! That's important. Getting a community to start off my four years here at Berkeley is important. - Loren - CS major, third year. - Did school, took time off, came back. - Helped at Microsoft, set-up with EMC. - I want to help support the CSUA! Answer the questions that freshmen have when they wander in, and the community building that happens at some events. There's a new focus on events this semester and I want to help and support the community! - Blaire - 2nd year, CS - It's my first day here and it's my first day knowing this club! - I'm a photographer, I like pictures. I ran a lot of events; used to work at citibank; did a social mixer thing. - Why CSUA? Because I love CS people and stuff and I want to participate!