9/20/16 Meeting Agenda Present: Barak, Ashley, Ray, Andrew, Kevin, Robert, Alex, Jason, Victor, Amir, Brian, Barak, Julie, Yitz. Austin, Sherry, Caleb, Megan, Neil, Sid, Henry, Couldn't make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline} - EECS townhall - Unix Workshop +/Δ - LaTeX workshop +/Δ - 6Sense ? - Startup fair helpers! - Yuan Buy 9/30 - Workday 10/3 CAP - Sid & Barak: Events? - Misc: - Newuser bug? - More workshops: HTML, CSS, website? - socials - Asking course staff prior to piazza (cs70) - Wiping status - Gaming on personal devices during business hours - 1 Hackathon per semester - Intersocietals: UPE, HKN LAN - Academic bear fair - CSUA wishlist: 4 chairs, stickers, server Meeting minutes: - EECS townhall - HKN headed the townhall, but they want other clubs to also contribute. - Megan can email HKN and ask about what we can do. - Budget crisis! - The reason we were okay this semester is because we got 250k in private donations. Not sustainable. - Last night they drafted letters to Chancellor Dirks stating 2 demands: - 30 to 1 GSI/Student ratio - Transparent budgeting at the campus level - Megan is meeting with HKN this saturday! - Unix Workshop +/Δ - Plus: - People were attentive! - People learned stuff! - Cons: - We could have covered more...? - Though some people were confused. - Solutions sometimes needed stuff that wasn't taught. More detail needed! - Not very engaging :c - Wild cards? Piping? Confusing :c - "He talked about what they did and went to the next slide; didn't explain much what happened." - People had trouble finding the slides. - Get a better url for them. - We should update them! It was rather hard to understand :c - Cheat sheet from last year would be helpful! - LaTeX workshop - Friday! 6 PM. - Yitz is writing the slides. - Tables! Algorithms! Newpages! Equations! - Should we try doing hw1 solutions? - 6Sense ? - Sid is in contact with them for future date. - Startup fair helpers! - Come help out if you want! - Xunan Buy 9/30, Wozniak Lounge. - The CEO, after a lot of messages, wants an event. - CEO has really high expectations of turnout. - "Startup in China talk!" - But this doesn't really match up. - Sid told the CEO to "lower his expectations"..... - Get the CEO to send us a blurb! - Then, we can actually have people know what the talk will be about. - It's not our job to make the flyer.... - He's trying to make his business go international. - E-commerce site between China and USA. - Need food! - Workday 10/3 CAP - HR company. - Need food! - Note: Companies pay for food. - Sid & Barak: Events? - Lay low on the events :( - It's okay to relax on them. - Now it's Neil's time to shine! Time for socials! - Misc: - Newuser bug? - More workshops: HTML, CSS, website? + Vim? Emacs?? Git!! - Hackers stopped doing git :c (Actually, Caleb will ask) - (Tell 61A people it'll help a lot with 61B) - Once a month? Every two or three weeks? - Socials - Club dinner! - LAN parties are ehh :( less social interaction - "Just more of them." - Asking course staff prior to piazza (cs70) - Oops. - Wiping status - Backups have been bought! Are being shipped. - Gaming on personal devices during business hours + videos - Leave gaming open on personal devices! - As long as it doesn't disturb people. - Just be mindful of other people! - If there's an issue, comply. - Orr..... - Not technically allowed, still, but if not causing a disturbance then let it rest? - If someone tells you to stop, then stop playing. - 1 Hackathon per semester - Two ideas! - General Hackathon - No prompt or theme. - You make whatever you want to make! - Judges like or don't. - You hope you can hammer something out. - We'll only have one. Other hackathons to go to; people don't have enough ideas. - - Themed hackathon! - Something similar to Intuit Hackathon. - Unity?? - Best game hackathon? - Best website hackathon? (+1) - "Tinder for cats"???? (meow) - Helpful/Creative themes. - Don't have to be concrete ideas; - We can have more people come! - Has to be a broad theme. - This will have to be okay with the companies. - Themes that are okay with beginners? - Too many hackathons going on right now. People make choices. - We want a structure that works for a bunch of different themed hackathons! - We want people to stay and make their project feel worthwhile. - Or..... - Sponsors donate ideas, and keep possibilities open? - To have a themed hackathon, we'll have to talk to companies about it. - Megan likes that it's general and that it's one per semester because it's something to look forward to! - The joy of our hackathon is to do whatever you want. - But then people bail! - But also more people show up! - General hackathon + sponsor prizes - People asked about website workshop! - You can integrate website workshop into a hackathon. - We have a server to host websites! - Some workshop where people build something with Caleb?? - + Extensions! - Sponsors!! - Tabling this discussion. - Intersocietals: UPE, HKN LAN - UPE is coming here next week! - Academic bear fair - Nope! - CSUA wishlist: 4 chairs, stickers, server, USB-C, computer, air freshener??, Water Boiler!, mice, - Prosps: - Ray Pan - 1st year CS intended. - Haven't helped out yet; first year, just got here. - I'm in the room a lot and I enjoy the atmosphere of the room, talkng to people, meeting people; I want to help facilitate that. - Henry Rowswell - 4th year EECS. - Didn't help out yet! Just became a member. - Benefited from a lot of CSUA infosessions, and I want to help out since that's what I've been missing in the last few years. - Amir Shahatit - Intended CS, 1st year - Didn't help out at anything yet! - The CSUA is a cool community; I like the events that people put on, so I want to help keep those going! - Note: We're non-profit. We can have companies donate to us as a tax-deductible donation.