11/15/16 Meeting Minutes Couldn't make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline} (notes brought to you by Sid) (Yannan, Jonathan, Eric, Barak, Sannath, Ashley, Lord Sideious, Presidnet Zhu, Caleb, Neil, Victor S.) ANNOUNCEMENTS: If you want to work on Industry Relations with Sid email sid.masih@berkeley.edu - Capital One +/Δ - \delta no one payed attention ... it was babying - \delta anyone who went already knew the shit .. to basic - \delta preset examples of dank presentations - \delta no limits on people - + speaker was charismatic and nice - Nvidia - Next semester - CoreOS 11/17 7:30-9 - Sid will front money - Better email for wording - GM #3 12/2 - Oh God not again - Thai (people want this) - Tahoe Trip 12/3-5 - Submit - Destress Brunch 12/7 - W E D N E S D A Y - Bagels again - No stuffed ANImals - MEgan will nicole one - 10-1pm - Misc: - Costco - Eric will front shit - Tech - Computadors are working :) - Hypervisor not updated - Officer points - 2 points (event + trash) - "Safe space" - Sid, Eric, Charlie, Parth STFU - CSUA Direction - Youtube Channel - Indrel committee is happening - New Couch - Officer Orientation - Showcase of work on CSUA website (if it's a good hack then get a point) - Steam Cleaning of a floor - Workshops (PLEASE) - Sid, Caleb, Eric, Barak - Rails, whatever caleb does, machine learning, and unity - Comments? - End of prosps! - Eric - Why did I join: wanted to help out and be involved with the CS community - Good pitch - Quiz A passed - Quiz B passed - Decision Passed - PB only