11/8/16 Meeting Agenda Couldn't make it to the meeting but have feedback? Submit it through our anonymous feedback form: [bit.ly/CSUA_feedback]{.underline} - OpenTable +/Δ - + - - Δ - Too quiet - Give the speaker a microphone! - The talk was long... - Hackathon +/Δ - + - Lots of people showed up! - We handed out food really well! Gloves, good rationing, etc. - Δ - Lots of people showed up! - Food came late :( - People are bound to leave. - People came just to eat and do homework. - --- This isn't unique to the CSUA hackathon! - Not enough people with authority walking around. - More officer volunteers? - Not many officers are experienced with running a hackathon (given that many are new officers) - It was run poorly :( - No keys/access to overflow rooms. - Neil managed to keep them open though. - Improvements: - We should have a sign-in sheet. - In the past this wasn't necessary, because lesser amounts of people. - A presentation? - At this time, expect this activity!! - Dinner, events, etc. - Plus a timer on the screen! - @Neil will write up a hackathon document for future hackathons. - Orientation for future officers? - Food got here a bit late. - - Microsoft dropped out at the last minute :( - Make this more official? - Hackathon Committee?? - Perhaps necessary, perhaps not. - It's not been necessary in the past. Maybe we need it because we've scaled so big now? - But splitting up work creates more work than usual. - Having a committee beforehand isn't the best idea - it's not that much work to order stuff. - Sign-up sheet will be useful though! - Was the talk itself valuable? Was it a good time? - Propose: talk right before judging? - Nah. Most people will leave. - Having tech talks like this before the hacking is pretty typical for any hackathon. - Board games 11/9 5-8 - Study hall? Open room?? - If y'all want board game night, come to the office! - Neil: 6PM. - Capital One 11/10 5:30 - Barak! Food. - We need to order. - Nvidia 11/14 6 - Same thing. - CoreOS 11/17 - Same thing. - GM #3 12/02 - Vote for next semester's PB! - If you're interested in being PB - come talk to the respective current PB! - Tahoe Trip/Cars - December 3rd-5th - 3 minivans! Lil' soccer moms. - Plus one cancer car. - If you're not already on Slack, get on it. There are announcements there - There are 12 beds. Priority will be given to drivers! - After that.... Lottery! - Please don't put 8 people into the same bed. - If you're Ray and you're okay with sleeping with Jonathan and Caleb in the same bed then come talk to Neil. - In general if you're okay with sleeping in the same bed as someone else, go talk to Neil! - Also, common sleepover room! - ***If you have a sleeping bag and are okay with bringing it, let Neil know*** - No snow...... but that means a good hike can happen! - Snow doesn't come until late December. - Bring twenty to fifty dollars for yourselves, solely for food, drinks, so on. - Keep volume down! There are neighbors. - Misc: - Costco - Megan wants to do it. But Megan doesn't have money. So Megan will not do it. - Yitz might do it?? - EECS Budget - Satish Rao came! - Administration costs way too much :c - Our plan of action is more articles and make a bunch of noise and so on. - Problem: EECS doesn't really want to make noise about this.. - But we have to! - Tech - We are not going to be buying new computers unless we get STF grant money. - For now, upgrade the computers that we have! - New CPU cooling fans - Our hypervisor is old :C - Volume. Holy Shit. - Too loud. - Even if it's not business hours, the room shouldn't be too loud. - We know we're a social club but... still. Don't be too loud. - Officer points - Slightly restructured! Three columns, one for each event to help out at, then one more column for miscellaneous points. - After an event, you should check if your row has you marked down for the respective event. - YouTube?? - Videos of tech talks/infosession? - Interesting ideas? - Ideas for where we can take the CSUA? - Tutoring? - Naahh... that's already UPE/HKN territory. - Maybe we can just do more workshops? Now that H@B is gone. - End of prosps! - Kevin Wang - Jeffrey Zhang - PB only