Attendance: Jason, Jesse, Ben, Teela, Daniel, Josh, Neil, Starr, Mark, Robert, Emily, Jimmy, Arthur, JT, Eric, Ray, Yitz, Megan, Anna, Neil (supah late), Sid (even later), Mish (really really late) Agenda - Introductions - Welcome lunch +/Δ - CSUA social +/Δ - FB 9/1 - GM1 9/1 - Pinterest 9/6 - Yelp 9/7 - TBD 9/9? - Riot LAN 9/11 - Riot tech talk 9/12 - Meraki 9/14 - CS Intended Panel 9/28 - Startup fair 10/24 - Engaging new recruits - Bi-monthly emails - Hack+ - Tutoring - Website - HKN Collab? - Branding - Officer training - Note Bank - Reclaiming the upper-div lounge (341A Soda) - Workshops - Meeting length - New prosps - Jesse Ou - Ben Wu - Teela Huff - Daniel Wu - Joshua Wang - Neil Palleti - Arthur Kazantsev PB Only - slack - Mission statements Agenda - Introductions - "Welcome to the first ever CSUA meeting!" -Megan 2017 - PB Introductions - Megan Zhu: President - Jonathan Tan: Tech VP - Eric Hou: Indrel VP - Yitz Deng: Secretary/Treasurer - Jason Ji: Internal Events Coordinator - Ray Pan: External Events Coordinator - Emily Gosti: Outreach - Lots of people giving introductions o: - Welcome lunch +/Δ - + - Good amount of food - Nick Weaver's presence was good! - And Charlene, too. And Nicole. And Barak Michener. And Lily. - Ben came late, but officers were approachable! - Professors were good to talk to. - Δ - Should have gotten a bit more food - Maybe 2nds could have been delayed a bit - Potentially reserve a few pizzas? So people who arrive late can still have pizzas? - A few professors flaked :( - CSUA social +/Δ ("Board game night") - + - The event was enjoyable! - Δ - Problem: The event appeared on our calendars, but no officers were there to make the event start. - There was miscommunication on whether or not the event was happening. - PB never confirmed the event. - Anything that was public should be treated as a public event. This event happened to be on the calendar in public. - All in all, the event could have gone better :( especially at the start. - FB 9/1 - Food is getting ordered; Ray is waiting for a call back. - Ray doesn't have service?? :( - Ordering from Ike's! - Catering order is going through, but they're calling Ray back on payment and etc. - If Ike's doesn't get back to us by tomorrow, we'll need to order something else. - Event is public! FInal push from Emily to get it more well-known - Volunteer sign-up sheet? Already posted. - GM1 9/1 - Directly after our FB event! - 8-11 PM - King Dong - Sign-up sheets for volunteering and stuff. We need people to be serving food and etc - FB event is up, and is being pushed - Pinterest 9/6 - Possibly not happenig anymore?? - Not CAP; was supposed to be a workshop, but Pinterest is advertising as not. And thus it's being blocked. - Yelp 9/7 - Everything is handled! We just need to do publicity. - TBD 9/9? - Professional Development workshop?? :D - 1-6 PM - Drop-in any time? Casual/informal setup - Resume workshop? - We probably can't staff 1-6PM? =\ - @Robert get IEEE on this as well? - @Eric tell the officers about how to critique resumes and so on - Riot LAN 9/11 - Eric is following up with Berkeley Legends next week - All we're doing is advertising - Riot tech talk 9/12 - Food is pizza @Ray - Sibley is booked - @Ray please document this process! - Oh, he already did. - @Megan tell @Ray how to get the Sibley key. - Meraki 9/14 - We just need advertising and food - CS Intended Panel 9/28 - UPE - People are stressed about stuff! - This is our attempt to get people less stressed. - Process of declaring? Resources to look for? Panel with Q&A? - @Mish, @Jason are interested in being on the panel. - @Megan is making the presentation this week and sending it to Slack to check for goodness - Startup fair 10/24 - SD Hacks?? - Pauley Ballroom - We're in charge of publicity, buying things, shirts (soft v-necks, more mediums!) - IEEE is doing a lot more. - Engaging new recruits - The social thing last week wasn't so good :( but it caught a few people! - @Emily welcome email! Email pitch to new people. - @Jason more socials? - Megan: Get a lot of fire noodles and cook them and bring them to the CSUA! - Teela: "Boba is good! Lots of people are interested in that." - We can have membership separate from emails - Maybe just have a straight mailing list? - It already exists: - Maybe we should advertise this more - A stand on Sproul? - We've shot this down before because we think CS people are in Soda. - But freshmen really spend all of their time in South Berkeley! - "It's easier to reach out to people on a personal level?" - Maybe we should try it out. Can't hurt too much. - What do we want from tabling? - More visibility. - Q&A table. - Flyers! - @Megan will look into how to table. - @Megan get more stickers. - - Bi-monthly emails - Twice a month, not once every two months! - Emails are good for events. - Email blast... today! - @Emily - (leave out pinterest) - Hack+ - Are people interested in having the Woz open on Sundays to walk in, study, work, have snacks and stuff? - Sundays are typically open. - @Jason can book a trial run for a few weeks. - Tutoring - @Yitz Corral all the responoses - @Megan heckle people who didn't respond - New calendar for tutoring hours - Website - Done, except for SSH! SSH currently doesn't work. - Eric/JT SSH issues - "I asked him, but JT was playing Destiny" -Eric - "Make a ticket!!!" -JT - HKN Collab? - @Megan has yet to email HKN about getting closer - Workshops, socials, LAN party, tutoring - Just want our clubs to get closer together; collaborate on more things. - Branding - New website, new logo, new flyers, etc - @Megan ordered sheet things (?) - The goal is to make CSUA events more visible as "CSUA Events" - Make sure the new stickets have the new bear @Megan - The new people in this room don't really like it :( - Officer training - For officers to get more in touch with how to approach people! - How to be friendly, and etc - Officer Cleaning - Note Bank - Adnan's office note bank - Having people take notes, and be stored in the note bank - We'll just be hosting it? - Reclaiming the upper-div lounge (341A Soda) - Megan emailed Cindy (who is like David Michael Sasson but isn't David Michael Sasson), and she said that's not true at all. - Wat? - Even Chris Hunn thought this was our room?? - Maybe we could just claim this room for tutoring - Workshops - Workshops all booked, dates all finalized, except for professional workshop - With the exception of prof workshop, every workshop has someone assigned - Ensure Fall 2017 spreadsheet is up to date - Also, update the calendar - @Ray @Jason - HP Access? Jason knows how. - When we put the FB events for the workshops up, put a little "workshop series" thing up too with links to the events! - Meeting length - This meeting didn't do too badly! - We're going to keep all the meetings under a minute. We'll try. - Let's not get too off-topic. - NVidia Server - Long story short, NVidia donated a large Tesla cluster to us, so we have lots of stuff for computations and deep learning and etc! - Ideally revealing on AI day in late september. - Any ideas on demos? Email @Sid! - Maybe talk to BAIR about demo ideas? - Officership! - We need officers! - Website needs work - indrel would like help - Events also need help - Officers do all of this! - Requirement: - Office hours once a week, where you keep the office open - No other requirements, but just be welcoming! - X numbers of points per month - Maybe less points for freshmen? Would be more welcoming for freshmen to ease them in - PB has yet to agree on this. - Additional incentive for more points? - PB doesn't want to make you feel like you're not doing enough :( But we really need extra help for stuff. - How do you get points? - helping out at events - tutoring (1 point for each 1hour/week) - Ray or Jason may award additional points for helping out for extra long - Tasks around the office (trash, recycling, cleaning) - New prosps - Name, Year, Major, why are you interested in the CSUA in general, why are you interested in Officership*?, Professor + Movie - Jesse Ou - 2nd year, CS - "I don't regret getting denied by the other clubs because this is cool!" - "I want full access to the office" - Denero+Emoji Movie - Ben Wu - 1st year EECS - Got introduced to CSUA through the Discord chat, people left a good impression on me! It's a welcoming club. - I've heard it's best to learn through teaching. - Paco Burrito (?) (turns out it's Brito not burrito) + Her - Teela Huff - Freshman, CS - CSUA makes a larger impact directly on CS, versus IEEE, which is such a general club. We're more specific! - Want to make actual change in CS and CSUA is better for this than certain others - Michael Cohen + Hidden Figures - Daniel Wu - Freshman, CS - "I thought this seemed like a pretty fun place, and I went there, and it was a pretty fun place" - "I have a lot of time and I want to do some nice things; not sure about the future" - Denero + Snakes on a Plane - Joshua Wang - CS + music minor maybe - CSUA was one of the first club I was exposed to! This club has good vibes - Really big into organizing things and being a leader - Denero+"I'll have to ask him" - Neil Palleti - Freshman, CS - Met Eric, and he told me all about the CSUA. I want to be a part of it and have the resources! - I want to help provide these resources and help my peers out. - Sahai + Baby Driver or Mad Max - Arthur Kazantsev - Junior, Econ+CS - "A lot of you know me as the video game prodigy as I am, but not many of you know me as a student... but that's because I'm not a good student" But CSUA inspired me to go back and do CS and it's the reason I call myself a double major. I've seen people come by the office and are super passionate about CS. - I want to help people find this kind of community that CSUA gives and be a part of this. - Rao on a date to see 500 Days of Summer and make dad jokes - Starr Yang ★★★★★★★ - Freshman, CS - Discord! Little freshman scared by the GPA cap; Eric Hou assured us that everything was okay. - Want to contribute to the club + general CS community - Denero + Shawshank Redemption - Mark Hill - Freshman EECS - It's a cool club to come in and socialize, and I played Exploding Kittens here - Perks are pretty good - Frenkel + any Marvel movie - Anna Brewer - Now an officer!