CSUA Tech Meeting ================= (The first!) Attendance: ----------- No one, this meeting was cancelled due to lack of attendance :( We will kick off with a Root day instead Agenda ------ - Introductions - Why do we have the CSUA tech meeting? - Open source background of Berkeley - Include more people in technical work of the CSUA - Learn new skills, work on interesting projects - Make friends - Extend opportunities to non-officers - You can receive officer points if you are one anyways - Why are YOU here? - Names, years, backgrounds - Interest statements - Assignments - What is our tech like? - Website - Add nice calendar connected to CSUA tutoring/events - Add functionality for events - Something about facebook event links - Make updating easier - Update things - New pictures - Calendar - Office hours - Mouseover photos - Soda - Break all user passwords - Re-enable soda - Figure out where ssh brute-force attacks coming from - Maersk - Install OS on main drive - Desktop machines: - Sake, Beer, Soju, Boba, Scotch, Vodka, Mead - G