1/25 CSUA Meeting agenda - Attendance: Arthur, Daniel, Ani, Eric, Bill, Catherine, Robert, Jessica, Nurrr, Sophie, Megan, Ray, Anna - Late: Kevin, Ben, Nithin, Neil, Jeffrey - Goals this semester - Flyers - We have flyers to pass out! - Will be monthly flyers! - Hackathon - We may have a hackathon! - Anna has a contact at some big VR company :O - VR themed hackathon/day long workshop? - Megan/Anna will figure this out - Root availability - tech meeting - One of our goals was to make root more avaliable - Not publicized well so only one person came :( - Possible root day this or next weekend to kick off tech meetings - Robert wants to have the date set my tomorrow - Recurring tech meetings after root day "Mini root day" - Robert will send info to Jessica because it's a tight timeline and make an announcement at GM1 - Maersk - Maersk is our NVIDIA GPU cluster! (50k worth of CPUs/rack) - Giving computing resources to the general public! - Robert (but mostly Nithin and Mark!) is trying to get up before root day so that people can work on it during root day - If anyone is interested go to root day and build things! - Workshops - Eric may not do ML because ML is going up the wahoo with their workshops - Sid/Eric might do distributed computing/blockchain - Arthur is gonna figure out when to schedule workshops - Barak Michener - Kubernetes - Robert wants to do Vim workshop (will talk to Yitz about tips and resources) - Arthur should ping Jessica when he's done with that - Tutoring - Ray will send an email to all who want to tutor to contact Megan with their transcript and set up a spreadsheet - Tutoring has been an issue with figuring out how to publicize and we're not 100% sure on what to do if non-officers want to do tutoring - Podcast & YT - Anna made a list of things that we need - Might be a good investment to get a lighting set for a more professional feel - Nerissa has a cheap set :o - Anna should start buying what she needs and posts an interest form for this project and ask professors to be on the podcast - Photos - We have a CSUA camera on the way! - JT has a personal camera for events but is not here - We should have an officer who's designated to take pictures at events - And if you're there please help by taking random pictures of the event!! - AND ITS FREE POINTS!!! - We should be using the photos and thinking about how we should use the photos as promotional material (flyers!!) - Jessica should update the photos on the website, and someone should teach Jessica how to do that - Room reorg & back room - We got a new table and a swanky new table setup it fits nicely and the room is messy - Backroom is just bad and there's a lot of unnecessary things... - We'll find a day to clean it - Swag & Branding - Megan has a banner and a table runner - Anna posted some designs on the slack - "Some of them were memes but some of them were legitimate" - Anna - A lot of people liked the only one that Anna didn't make :') - "Computer Science Social Club" - Supreme logo :') - We need something slightly more on the professional side - Also more consistency with colors/fonts - Megan will order banner and tablerunner today - Anna will figure out shirts - Officer opportunities - Tutoring - Point per month - Can put on resume - Get people to join and appreciate the CSUA - Can tell course staff that you're tutoring - Ray will send out a followup email soon - SIGN UP FOR TUTORING - Resume book - Ray will send things when charging companies! - Check your email to be in the resume book! - Website - tutoring? OH list? "$BLURB"? 'Same'? - Update office hour link on website - Need to update website with tutoring page - Put in office hours so Jessica can update the page!! - Same does not mean actually same - Add mouseover photos!! - Update photos - Leadership - We talked about this last time too - Lead things - Events/other - WB Social - + - HUGEEE Turnout - Ty department - Food was great and we had just about enough - UPE helped pay - Good job Arthur!! - We should do more events like this to this standard! - Good advertising - Department, Flyer, UPE?, Piazza, FB Group spam and advertisement - Δ - UPE wasn't here, just one officer was there - They were sorta annoyed by the bill >.< - Timeline was short - We need utensils/plates/gloves - Disorganized - Should prep earlier and debrief on what to do for bigger events - Dropbox - + - A lotta people 116 people towards the middle of the event - Good job Daniel for checking out mic - 82 going, 641 interested, 140 RSVP - We've been doing a lot better in terms of outreach! - Paid ads, facebook spamming - Δ - Sliver delivered very late.... 30 minutes late :( - Be careful about Sliver orders - But also IEEE ordered too... Unlucky - The actual mics in sibley weren't even there... - Daniel should report this - Yelp - + - "It was good" - Daniel - "I didn't get a good headcount because I'm short" - Daniel - 60-80 people - They did food - Yelp said they liked it - Δ - Didn't save food for Yelp people - GM #1 1/26 - Some place that Arthur forgot the name of - Thai food - Jessica will spam later tonight so we will have a better count on attendance - Arthur will buy some food and prepare the slides and put a volunteer spreadsheet out - Startupfair - Megan will be talking about HKN/IEEE about the fair - Hackathon - We should book a room for that - Megan will book a room for it - Amazon 2/15 - It will be happening - Costco - Megan will ask JT about Costco - Clubs? - Fun fun fun - Faculty lunches? First is Feb 15 - Ben has it under control - Prospective Officers!!! - Ani - Freshman intended CS - CSUA has the ability to reach out to a larger group of people, and he feels like he can make an impact instead of studying in his room - Officership is a good way to help people and its a team of people to work with - "I want to take Daddy Denero to The Room" - Nurrrr - Senior CS - She met us last sem and thought we were cool :O :O :O!!!! Also she wants to give back to the community - Officership is good to get maybe some leadership skills and take a stronger role in giving back to the community! - Weaver + Hacker movie for the entertainment value - Jeffrey - Freshman EECS major - He went to a lot of our events last semester (ML Workshop + Tech talks). He enjoyed listening to companies talk about things and the free food. - Officership because it's good to help people out! - Sahai to Inception and pester him to explain so that everything will be even more confusing! PB Meeting - Should have PB/Shadow and then PB only so shadow doesn't have too much influence - Keurig - Damnit Sid - He doesn't want it because its bad... - We can give it to the staff - We approve all prosps!