Attendance ========== - On time: Megan, Robert, Benji, Daniel, Ben Wu, Nithin, Justin, Ray, Ani, Arthur - Slightly Late: Starr - An hour late: Mark Topics ====== - ASUC - Rest Zones - 80000 dollar budget for rest zones - Massage chairs/Sleeping things - Soda hall was the #1 area for places for rest zones - They're here looking input on the rest zones - Suggested spaces - Wooden section of the 4th floor Alcoves - 6th floor, staircase underneath the 7th floor - 341A - ASUC Things - ASUC acquired Berkeleytime - Student developers - New course scheduler that is coming out soon - Hopefully the migration won't break everything - Annnndddd people pitching why we should vote for them for ASUC - - Goals this semester - Flyers - Jessica not here - Megan will PM - Root - Starr did calendar things!! Yay - Latte is down because they are AC issues :( - Soda is also down, come to Robert if you want to set up the VM! - Workshops - LaTeX happened, 6/7 people :( - We should push vim very soon, Robert will do it and mark the spam sheet - Robert try to do screen capture - Arthur is working with Barak Michener for the Kubernetes workshop - Tutoring - The calendar is good! - Megan will make a general facebook post later this week - Jessica will send a notice on the newsletter - Podcast - Jason is taking this project over - Anna is very overworked :( - Join the slack channel if you want to help out! - Photos - JT posted a camera that we could've bought a while ago but it disappeared and we have no camera :( - We have can use Robert's polaroid still though - Robert should order the film - Swag/rebranding - Anna/Megan are very busy so this has gone on for a loooong time... - Probably not the best idea to only have two people who are super busy working on swag, but we need to get this finalized ASAP - Megan will adjust the designs and make a post on officers tonight - BEA - They're snakes - "Teambonding exercises" - Didn't have minutes and haven't responded in 10 days - Upcoming Events - Karaoke 3/2 - Tomorrow 8:30-9:30 PM - Come it will be super fun!! - LAN party 3/5 - With HKN in 540 Cory - Megan is going to email the department on wired internet there - We're gonna try to bring DDR! - C3 IoT (canceled) - F - Startup fair 3/7 - Megan will give 2x points for helping in the morning so come and never help for the rest of the semester! - FREE SHIRT! AND LUNCH - Git a job - Volunteer pls - GM2 3/7 - We're inviting a panel of alumni - Arthur is in charge of doing this - Arthur should look for alumni through the mailing list, facebook, and IRC(Ask JT about this) - Board games afterwards - Sandwiches for food - Capital One 3/20 - Don't need to worry - Blizzard 3/21 - Don't need to worry - Hackathon 4/14-4/15 - Megan is going to say no to RCSA - They wanted a hackathon/case study thing for business people..? - Screw dis >:( We have $ already - They also want a 24 hour hackathon so not worth - We working with IEEE hopefully!! - Megan will meet with people - Socials - Karaoke, AWE Mixer March/April(4/4 tentatively) - Arthur is starting retreat planning so fill out the interest form! - If you can drive/have a car please help! - Outside of Berkeley Social - Ice Skating? - Fun things! - Arthur wants to do a "mixer" with CS orgs next semester - This could be interesting - AWE mixer - Arthur will meet with them tomorrow morning - + / - / Δ - Latex - + - Really good presentation - People were engaged! - Δ - Should've done it earlier, low turnout - 6-7 People