Attendance ========== - Here: Daniel, Benji, Megan, Nithin, Arthur, Anna, Jonathan, Robert, Ani, Ray - Late: Sean, Sritam - Later: Jesse, Justin Topics ====== - Goals this semester - Flyers - Megan made a March flyer! - Root - Nvidia server should be pushed to public in the next couple of days - Thanks Mark and Nithin! - Robert emailed people on how to reset passwords for those who had bad passwords - Reach out to Caleb if you want to help out with the website! - Workshops - Arthur should contact Barak Michener about a Kubernetes workshop - We need to push these workshops earlier and better - Tutoring - It's going well! - Expect more foot traffic in the CSUA during Megan's OH - Megan should ping Jessica about tutoring - Podcast - We should scrap this project for this semester - It takes a huge amount of motivation and time in order to get this running and we don't have the bandwidth - Might be a good effort to revisit this over the summer and the fall - Or keep this in mind so that we can start up in the fall quickly - Also we don't have the equipment as of now - In conclusion we're only going to plan this during this semester and not work on it for now - Ideas to test run equipment - We could film a CS Q&A video for incoming freshmen - Megan should ping Ani about this - Hackathon timelapse? - Photos - Robert has the film and the camera for polaroid pictures! - What should we take pictures of? - Officer pictures board!! - Could help with familiarity of people - Megan will take care of this - Event photos - Swag/rebranding - Swag will be mailed in a week - BEA - They've yet to contact us - We're going to wait for them to show initiative - We have enough on our plate atm and if they show initiative then this might be work it - Bear Founders - Megan is meeting with them next week to figure out partnerships - Soylent - JT ordered us some so we will have soylent - I give it 3 weeks - Upcoming Events - Capital One 3/20 - Woz - Facebook event is up - We should push this ASAP - Megan will spam this event thenks :) - Arthur can be the point of contact for this event - Anna and Daniel should get Arthur up to date on what is happening - Capital One wants burritos for food - Prolly gonna get La Burrita - Blizzard 3/21 - Sibley - Anna will ask them what kind of food they want for the event - We will advertise to esports groups, but make sure that people understand that is a tech talk - Hackathon 4/14-4/15 - Come to the hackathon! It'll be a great time and you can put something on your resume :) - - Go here if you want to help plan things - - We have a site! - Naming - Ideally not "CSUA/IEEE Hackathon" because not inclusive enough - Cub Hacks? - Mildly confusing - But itsk because we're still running a hackathon - If you care about the name go on the slack - Soda Hacks? - Timeline - Megan is making a flyer tonight for the hackathon and update the facebook event and then we - In the coming weeks we need to plan out food and prizes and find sponsorships - Give The House one more week to follow up and if that doesn't work we can find alumni to judge hopefully!! - VR@B? - JT's friend in VR@B wants to for VR@B to partner with us for the hackathon and provide computers and oculuses for projects - We should get terms of agreements - And see if IEEE is fine with this - VR company wants to have an event with CSUA and we could just ask them for judges and have them run a workshop if VR@B joins us because we'd have VR stuff! - We should post this information on slack ASAP - Socials - AWE mixer - 3/21 Wednesday 2-3:30 - Should be fun! - Kickback - Arthur is looking at dates right before Spring break, the Friday - Retreat - Will probably be Friday/Saturday/Sunday before dead week - We are probably going 2-3 hours out - Give Arthur feedback if you have any - More planned activities would be useful - Group activities!! - 4k Budget - + / - / Δ - Vim/tmux/bash - + - Robert got a recording of the workshop - He should upload it ASAP on youtube/facebook - Workshop went well regardless though! - Δ - Not many people showed up - About 8 people showed up total - Not bad considering the time (5:30 on a Friday) - Try to prevent Friday workshops in the future - Prosp!!! - Name/Year/Major - Sritam, Math/CS, Freshman - Why CSUA? - He came to many infosessions and has friends in the CSUA - Why CSUA Officership? - He wants to be more involved in the projects that happen here - Professor + Movie - Sahai and 50 Shades of Grey.... - -20