Topics ====== - Goals this semester - Flyers - Megan is making one after this meeting - Daniel will print flyers - We can use Soda hall printers - Root - Nvidia GPU cluster has been deployed officially - Need to add a bit of documentation - We need to advertise the project now, halp Jessica - Website - Root meeting to figure out what we want to do with the website - Its pretty but it's hard to maintain - Make it prettier and more mobile friendlier - We're probably going to move back to Django, easier cuz Python! - Workshops - Tabled for next semester - Tutoring - Is going well - Podcast - Tabled till future - Photos - We have camera and we can take photos! - See Officer Photo Day below for more info - Swag/rebranding - We got the crewnecks - They're super soft on the inside - BEA - They've yet to contact us - Bear Founders - Megan is meeting with them tomorrow - Retreat - Arthur is trying to figure out details for retreat this weekend - Megan should check in with Arthur daily to make sure that this gets done - Arthur should figure out drivers by tomorrow night - Arthur should book housing by Saturday night - Upcoming Events - Officer Photo Day - 4/7, we'll take nice photos! - Wear nice clothes or the crewneck, it'll be lit - Hackathon 4/14-4/15 - We have 230~ responses to the form - We have a lot of sponsorships atm so thats great - We're trying to get a sponsorship from Scalable Press from Eric :o - Anna is doing an amazing job with outreach for this! - Sign up NOW if you want to go - Applications are closing tomorrow - Sign up on the volunteer form for the hackathon!! It'll be super great - And you'll get guaranteed entry to hackathon!! - We're doing costco runs the Friday before it - Riot Games 4/17 - We have an info session with them! - Jessica/Megan should put up the facebook page for that now - GM #3 4/17 - We need someone to lead GM3 - We should also - Alum bbq 4/22 - We have posted to the facebook, linkedin, irc, and the mailing list - Come out and meet our alumni! - We'll probably get sandwiches - Food + Board Games - Socials - This weekend we might have a kickback :o - At Arthurs - And next weekend too :o - At Nerissa's - Prosps - Prosp.format - Name/Year/Major - Why CSUA? - Why CSUA Officership? - What was your first impression of the CSUA? - Professor + Movie - Kristine Lin - Senior, EECS - She knows Megan, Nerissa, and sorta Neil and they say nice things about CSUA and she wants to meet nice people because of that :o - She wants to give back to CSUA after getting a lot from CSUA events - Her first impression was delivering bread to Nerissa - "It's the first time I've seen Megan so authoritative which is surprising" - Music Professor to Black Panther