Topics ====== - Goals this semester - Flyers - They're on the whiteboard - Pass them out to people if they want to know what we do - Root - Latte is down at the moment and is being fixed - Website will be switching to Django ASAP - Meeting minutes are meant to be oublic by our constitution - Robert is planning on gathering minutes and other public documentation and publishing it on a wiki - Either that or public drive - Workshops - Kubernetes - Mid september - Getting teachers lined up for next sem - Jason? For LaTeX - Tutoring - Going well - Podcast - Tabled - Photos - We have a Polaroid camera in the 3rd drawer on the cabinet - Take pictures for our events!! - Swag/rebranding - Out of small sweaters, Megan will order more later - BEA - They haven't gotten back to us - Bear Founders - What it is : A platform to connect people for startups - We could host a panel with them about startups - Next semester? Start planning things next week - They also want to partner with us for the startup fair - We could give them a discount if they get us X companies - Retreat - We're should be good on cars! - Waiting on Austin/Juntai/Loren to confirm - JT/Neil Confirmed - In case we aren't Arthur also figured out how to book cars - Arthur found some places and is looking to finalize location - Arthur is going to post a signup sheet at 6PM(tentatively) tomorrow - First come first serve - "If I'm asleep I'm sorry" - Upcoming Events - Hackathon 4/14-4/15 - The day after tomorrow - Set up will start at 4:00PM - It'll be very hectic, please come(regardless of whether theres space on the signup sheet) and you'll get office points!! - We have cool companies sponsoring up - If you want to hack and didn't sign up, sign up for all volunteer slots - Non-setup/Cleanup roles will be minimal effort tbh - Riot Games 4/17 - FB Spam rito games, ty Jessica! - We're ordering food - We get Berkeley Legends to help publicize the tech talk - Volunteer sheet soontm - GM #3 4/17 - After Rito Games - Run for PB!! - "It will only help your life move forward" - Megan Zhu, Chancellor and Leader for Life Democratically Elected President of the Politburo - If you're interested in a specific position talk to the specific member - If you have any general question feel free to ask anyone on PB!!! - We'll make sure people follow the rules for GM3 by checking when their user directory is created - Alum bbq 4/22 - We have publicized as many places as we think will make it ok - We'll probably just get sandwiches from Ikes or Hummingbirds - Arthur will handle most of the organizational stuffs - 10~ Alumni will probably show up - Msft thing? - They want to do an event with us?? - A graduate student walked into our office and asked about doing a Microsoft research hackathon thing? - We emailed the point of contact for microsoft and are awaiting for response - Probably infeasible for this semester, will try to get it running for summer probably - They're looking for something lowkey, 20 people 4 hours - Socials - Caleb wants to get a group together to watch Supertroopers tomorrow - "I feel like tomorrow is an optimal time to make poor decisions" - Caleb - Arthur will message Nerissa ASAP about possible kickback tomorrow night - + / Δ - Officer Photo Day - + - They were cute photos! - Δ - Polaroid took meh pictures - We should buy a decent camera - Prolly around $200~ - Caleb will talk to JT about this - Finishing Prosps - Prosp.format - Name/Year/Major - What changed with your expectations with regards to CSUA Officership? - What did you help out at - Quiz Question - Sean - Sean Meng, Freshman, EECS - He initially joined CSUA because a lot of his friends joined and he wanted to help out the community - Help with trash/installed cable managers/sorta helped at Blizzard - Pitch - "Look at these cute cool computers, you could use these!!" - Sean Meng, Master Salesmen - Mention events + Give up a flyer - Things to include in a General Pitch - No GPA requirement - Open to everyone!! - Mention events - Hackathons - Tech talks - Panels - Give up a flyer - If you have an account you have access to our server and you can do web hosting - Great community - Tutoring - Quiz Questions - Where's the fire extinguisher? - "I guess I'll die in the fire then" - It's in the bookshelf near the side of the room - If someone asks how to pay with venmo, wut 2 do? - Write dollar amount, officer name, item, and wait till you see the payment go through -