2/10/15 Officer Meeting Minutes Attendance: - Ana Shuler, Claire Lieu, Ryan Erickson, Jessie, Robert Chang, Leo Wu, Austin Kim, Christopher Dinh, Youdong Zhang, Jingwei (Jason) Tu, Susanna Souv, Megan was late CFG with Hackerank - Sent them a little invoice with the pricing, but haven't heard a reply - Will send a follow-up email - want to do it on the 2/23/15 Microsoft Coding Challenge - Seems that they do not want to pay us more money. - They will take care of food and prizes - They want to provide their own prizes - Would use the money that they give for CFG - Need to get a room - Need to advertisea - Want to put them on our hackathon logo - Get us some more people Climate Corporation Infosession - 2/20/15 5-8 - Want to make sure that there is enough turnout - concerned that if we don't get enough people to come, then we might not get to work with the company in the future. - Will encourage the CSUA members to go - Publicize with posters/Facebook event. Not going to do too much more than that (ASAP) - They don't seem to be from CA, so they might not be as well known - Will post the event in some of the other groups at Cal - Want us to take care of food - $200 or less? - Will need to talk the company about the cost of food - perhaps provide some concrete examples - likely will only cost ~$60 for drinks - Concerned about people taking food and leaving - perhaps hand out food during the presentation - could also hand out food at the end Samsung Infosession - 2/26/15 (Woz booked from 5-8) - Not too much CHECK - We got a check from last semester GM1 - Starts at 6 - volunteers starting at 5:45 - Not a lot of people signed up on the sheet, but this should be okay - catalogue the games that we take up to the event - Presentation - Megan can do it, or Claire can do it - Megan has volunteered as tribute! UCB StartUp Fair - Claire and Ryan went to the start up fair meeting - 3/18 -> Memorial Stadium, 4th floor - need volunteers as this is a sorta confusing place - this year's color is ~~PURPLE!!~~ - We have 5 companies signed up, but 10 more that we are talking to - if you have any companies to talk to, do so! - We are also looking for sponsors - Raffle and prizes - talking to Leap; might just get some of these - just use a google form - backup idea? - iPads. Safe and easy - Want to get started on the banner ASAP - Not sure where to get the banner printed - ZeeZee Copy? Berkeley City College Coding Club - Peter came to visit us in the office today. Interested in coming to CSUA events - very new club; focusing on mobile apps and hacks - want to do stuff with the CSUA - maybe a joint hack?? - Club seems to want to be general, but they seem to be too focuses right now - some BC^4 people might come to events Office Misc - order ~5 long HDMI cables - food being left around the office - Need to be cleaned up - Pick up trash if you see it - we want to make the office more of a welcoming place - Should greet visitors better - Make them feel welcomed! Tech Problems :( - LDAP fell apart - Mail fell apart - Tech Chang did not respond in time, so we need to talk to the security people to get it fixed - Want to rebuild the server - we have spare hardware - newer and not used - want to keep it within the department. - Colin could do this all on Sunday/Monday - Vote for Colin to build the server: - unanimous yes. - Will we pay him? - Would be a nice thing to do - Will talk about this more - CSUA Potato/Carrot/Ginger will talk about this later - possibility to move to an external provider - would be more robust - could maintain it more for us - lots of our servers still run really old versions of Linux - Want to bring back Root_Day to talk about more of these things - This will happen after we rebuild the server - will be a Sat/Sun in HP. 4 hrs of talking - open to all the officers - will talk about how to fix the servers - Cloud Service - For the best server -> $1000 + a month - outsourcing the server would be simpler - Digital Ocean -> range from $5 to $64/month - Want to make it a feature to remove malicious accounts New Officers! - Susanna!! - Will send the other four officer applicants a reminder email!