3/10/15 Officer Meeting Minutes Attendance: Megan, Claire, Ana, Ryan, Susanna, Robert, Leo, Jason, Forest, Jessie, Kara, Eranda Late Peeps: Chris GM #2 - +/Deltas - Pluses: - speaker was awesome - good turn out - officers were helpful - food amount was good - Deltas: - facebook event sooner - finding date that don't overlap? - not really possible STEM Day - Do we have any volunteers? - Go to the sign-up sheet. - Megs will send out the spreadsheet again - also will post it in the facebook chat - might it rain...? - we can get plastic baggies, but probably will just leave - MSUA - will have a Pi day activity - want to know if the CSUA would like to help out - Also want a monetary donation - going to decline - > feel that it conflicts with STEM day - will send out an email blast Startup Fair - quick note: we are closing the sign ups for companies today - will start making maps - T-shirts should get here Friday/Monday - If you want to help out with the mapping/company description, let Claire know - Claire will send out the volunteer sheet again Department Meeting - HKN student survey responses - only got like 400 responses out of the 2k that they sent the survey to - result: Students are fuckin' stresed man - grades, midterms, jobs - department wants to start a de-stress activity during/before Finals week - each student group is to host some sort of event - PROFESSOR DUNK TANK - yoga, tabling (cookie/energy drinks), Memorial Glade games (bouncie house, etc), chair massages, day in the Woz, talent show, campus tour - the department wants the student groups to "chip in" - All of the other student groups seem to be helping out - SWE, IEEE, AWE - what kind of activity do we want to do: - easiest one for sure is to table - will create a poll for the de-stress ideas (must be done by Wednesday night!) - we will need people to help out - will likely be during RRR week - also will be a de-stress workshop - free FOOODS - sign up -> the department sent out an email - Faculty Retreat - will be some time in April - talk about the survey results Hackathon - April 11-12 - First thing to do is decide the date/time - Microsoft Puzzle challenge is on the same day (4-11) - might need to adjust the amount of food, etc - Need a facebook event and flyer - WHAT TIME TO START: - we want to start sometime in the afternoon to improve turnout - starting at noon would cause us to end at 6 AM if it were an 18 hour hack - will do a 24 hour hack - TIME: 12 PM Sat - 12 PM Sun - 22 hours to hack, then 2 hours to judge/present - Need to find judges - Jessie can ask Alumni if they want to be judges - PRIZES?! - if sponsorship, we usually have monitors - possible prizes: Monitors, keyboards, hard drive, headphones, chromecasts - ($200 - $100 - $50/75) - Decided that we want the range will be: - 4 x $175 - 4 x $100-$150 - 4 x $50-75 - possible prizes: keyboards headphones, mice (nice ones), external SSD, chromecast - do we need a website? - yes please! - What we will provide: - Lunch on Saturday (~1 PM) - Dinner on Saturday - Midnight Snack - 3 AM snack - Brunch on Sunday - Start set up around 11 AM on Saturday - End hacking around 10 AM on Sunday - Get the event out this Friday!! MS CFG - April 6th 6:30- 8:30 - Got the woz and an overflow room - 2 hour coding challenge; they are bringing the prize - tablet, gift cards - They will handle a lot of the publicity themselves - we need a facebook event by this Friday - will need to print out the poster that they gave us and post around Soda/Cory Alumni BBQ - need to create the facebook event - need to contact the alumni and get the word out UPE BBQ - 4/4; we paid for the room reservation, so we just need to come up with a plan to figure out what is going on - make sure to post to the group/email to all the officers - need a facebook event page - will help us get an estimate of how many people are coming - Megan will see if we can invite all members or just the officers - Do we want to have any sort of structured events? - can talk to UPE about that - perhaps bring up some more board game - Need to find out who is grillin' {Megan exits} Server Stuffs - Department was doing server maintenance, and we didn't know about it, so we didn't turn off our servers in time - need to reconfigure some stuff to fix everything - Want to have more people who are familiar with the hardware - ROOT DAY - Colin can help us out with this since he knows a lot about the servers. - ROOT DAY: - 3-4 hour long meeting - general information and some stuff that will be helpful - send out a when2meet so that everyone who wants to attend can attend - need to decide if we just want to allow Root staff or all officers - Robert will send out an email by Friday with a when2meet Office Misc - Need a restock - Ana will talk to Jack about a car - Redbulls - keyboards! - tech Chang needs to clean some keyboards yo! - Promises that he will have it done by Friday - Microwave? - ours finally kicked the bucket - we can use Claire's old one until around June - do we want to get a new one? - why not wait until there is a sale - Ana will figure out how to get rid of the old Microwave New Officers! - Susanna! - Why do you want to be an officer and what can you contribute to the club? - CUSA creates a welcoming community for people who are interested in CS and we host a lot of events that Susanna likes to attend. She wants to contribute instead of just attending - She is really interested in teaching CS -> wants to be able to help out people who are taking lower division courses - came to GM 2; Setting up for the Startup fair - Pirates;