3/3/15 Officer Meeting Minutes Attendance: Megan, Isabel, Ryan, Claire, Ana, Kara, Jeremy, Michelle, Youdong, Robert, Jason, Jessie is in Spain (lucky ducky) Late Peeps: David General Meeting 2: - Fooood: Urbann Turbann - about 40 people @ $7.50 per person - 30 meat + 10 veggie - Drinks are in the back - volunteer sign up? - looks good! - FB event? - Facebook is dumb - we can't invite everyone if the group is larger than 250 - Maybe we could make the event from the page? - Maybe we could put it in more groups Mounza: - Opportunity to have ladies in STEM fields meet Tim Draper - invited to attend a tech talk in San Mateo sometime in April - Mounza is in charge of the event - Want different student groups to get the name out - Seems like the main thing is they want us to promote their App - Do we want to host with them -> does CSUA want to be a beta user of the App? - We would have to put our events on this app - $1 per referral - Seems kinda like they want endorse their app - we could just send their facebook events to members - this seems fine - We don't really want to try and use their app - Anyone want to do this? - They would need to create a profile and post to the App every time we want to have an event - Would be able to keep track of who comes to our events - would give some data on who came - Supposed to replace a "sign-in" process - We are okay with publicizing the event, but we don't really want to work with them on this app - We suggested that they contact more of the lady-oriented clubs on campus (SWE, AWE, etc.) - supposed to be working with one of the Sororities that are associated with EECS - Decision: We will publicize the event and send out an email blast, but we won't try to work with the App STEM Day: - The event will be hosted on Memorial glade from 11-3 on Pi Day - We were interested in tabling - do we still want to do it? - They also do the Pi Day video competition, etc. - Pretty sure that we are only really interested in tabling. - We will need some volunteers! - Megan will make a sign-up sheet - Need at least two people per shift! Side Note: Ordering banner/tablecloth? - banner could be better because we could use it in more situations - tablecloth is good when we are tabling - will decide later Hack ++ with ASUS - could hold it this Sunday or April 26th - Decided the 26th - Megan will acquire foods and snacks LAN Party - Will be hosted on April 24th - we will provide hardware (computers and games, etc.) - Megan will make a signup sheet - Tech Chang - make sure pnunez account works on all Windows partitions - make sure we have wired AirBears - Need to make sure that we have everything catalogued before we go up - Megan will talk to HKN about setting up around 5:30 Infosessions with Zynga - 3/19; we don't yet have a time nailed down - Ryan will sort things out this week UCB Startup Fair - Claire is ordering T-shirts today - MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE SIGNED UP WITH YOUR T-SHIRT SIZE - See the volunteer sign up sheet - Going to create a map starting next week - going to be pretty busy - Looking for someone who can drive ~100 balloons on the day of Office Misc - Mail pooped itself - we were messing with NSF - we had some drives that weren't right - we borked it - they wanted to rebuild all of the discs - We don't use any of the internal drives - Keyboard cleaning - Tech Chang will borrow Colin's key remover - Tech Chang will send out a date by tonight - perhaps next week Tuesday (two at a time) - Ana will order a new Key Remover - Vodka has been having blue screen problems - Tech chang will take care of it - Sound Issues - Every computer but Water should have monitor sound - Tech chang will check to see if it is a monitor - Cleaning Issues - PICK UP YOUR SHIT DAMNIT - Frosted Glass CSUA banner - David might make us one! - Light above Rum is out - Ana will go talk to the front desk about getting it fixed - Megan wants to re-do the whiteboard in the lounge - we want to keep the asylum bit - Gotta make sure that the door is open - Tell people! - If there is group work going on in the lounge, sometimes people will ask them to close the door