4/14/15 Meeting Minutes Attendance: Jeremy, Ana, Ryan, Claire, Tech Chang, Susana, Jason, Austin Lateeeeee: Megan Hackathon +/Deltas - +/Delta - Pluses - Pretty good turnout - good on the food aspect - we had good officer help - really cool projects! - a lot of the attendees were satisfied - got 3 judges from industry - lots of sponsors - Some more people turned up after dinner - Deltas - Should start Friday instead? - maybe do a little bit better with publicity/facebook spam - no one was able to make it to 61c to make a class announcement - email blast for hack - announce to really popular upper div classes? - wanted something more for 3AM snacks - not sure if this was b/c of volume or variety - lead a workshop? - STICKERS! CalDay (4/18) - Meet in front of HP if you're signed up to help! - NO GAMING! 8AM - 8PM - Super important! - No streaming/No Anime! - Board games are okay - Clean the office Friday - Make a sign LAN Party (4/24) - check that wired airbears works - Megan/Tech Chang will check tomorrow - should check to make sure that no one is using the Woz - Tech Chang needs to make sure the switch works - Find the power supply! - Office cleaning! - while all the computers and stuff are out - Make a list of things that are being taken to the event and log the equipment taken - Megan will make a sign up sheet and send it out - Tech-Chang needs to check to make sure that Pnunez works on all computers - We won't have Blueprint - HKN should bring snacks - snack list: (cold) drinks, more chips, cookies, Alumni BBQ (4/25) - Megan sent out the volunteer list today - buy list in the folder - Claire will go to costco and get all the things - No gaming from 12-2 - go meet some of the alumni - Icebreaker? - no, it'll probably be okay - two volunteers need to show up at 11:15 to help Jeremy cook GM 3 (5/1) - Food? - Any amendments to the constitution? - Michelle needs to post/spam facebook events - Any officers that want to run for PB should talk to current PB members Office Misc - Restock - Ana might go this weekend - Can go next Tuesday - New Officer - Tech Stuff - Check that the switch is working - make sure that wired airbears in the Woz works as expected - make sure that the Pnunez accounts work on all Windows partitions - make sure that Pnunez works on Linux - All by Saturday!! - T-shirts? - do we want to give them out at events? - do we want to give them to officers? - Food Lists/Buy Lists - make sure that we take notes on everything that we buy for events. ACTION ITEMS Ana - Office cleaning on Friday - send out email reminding officers to talk with current PB about PB Claire - Return the un-used hack prizes - send out the alumni email and post in IRC Robert - check that Pnunez works on all the computers - check that the switch works - check that the wired airbears works as expected Megan - Get Woz access for - food for GM 3 - make/send out a sign up sheet for LAN party Michelle - send out email blast/spam facebook groups for GM 3