8/23/15 Meeting Minutes Attendance: Roberto, Austino, Eranda, Megan, Susana, Jason, Claire, Ana New Student Orientation: - time for the student groups to talk about what we do/our mission - Eranda is going for sure - Jason/Claire might go, depending on their other meeting time - Explain that we're for everyone, without a GPA cap, what we do, events, etc. - Talk about the Welcome BBQ, Unix/Vim Workshops Ice Cream Social (8/28 4-5 PM) - What we did last year was really good - with the department, we got a lot of sign ups last year - want to order table cloth so that we can put it on the table - fix the mailing list - Austino and Claire are on the list for sure - Eranda might be able to do it VIM Workshop (9/4 7:15 (7:30) - 9 in HP) - Ana can do this one if no one else wants to - Austino is going to oversee Ana while she does this - Git? - HAB usually does this one; we don't wanna do the same thing as they are - Room reservation should be complete - FB event by next week - Do we want to swap with the Unix workshop? - Do we wanna combine? -> no, not really - 15 minutes to troubleshoot/install for windows - 60 minutes of instruction - 30 minutes for Q/A and signups - Look into the plug ins for sublime, eclipse, etc Unix Workshop (8/31 6:30 (7) - 9:15ish in HP) - Austino will do this one - The powerpoint that Colin and Alex made is superb - show claire the power point this next weekend - Teach this like people have never done this before - First 30 minutes will be installation/Introduction - Next 1.5 hour is basic unix commands - Last 30 minutes is Q/A and sign ups Welcome BBQ (9/2 7-10 in Woz) - Aim for food for about 200 people - 250 doggies - 50 veggie doggies - drinks for 250 peeps (cans) - 10 big bags of chips - FB event has 420 sign ups, but not all of these people are probably gonna come... - Do we want to allow seconds? - stamp people's hands? - stickers? - Buy a CSUA stamp? - There is a Twitter Tech Talk right before, so we will need to ask them if we can use the grill outside - Talk to Atlie - Just hot dogs - Posters! - Welcome BBQ Slideshow to talk about what we do - Board Games - Ana will be in charge of games? - Susanna will make a list and check with Ana - Sign ups - Meet new people! - Susanna will make the slide and present - Eranda and Susana on sign ups - Poster for Welcome BBQ Class Announcements - Courses: 61B, 61C, CS70, CS10 - Unix Workshop - 61 A - Vim Workshop - 61 A - Welcome BBQ - General information: what we do, when/where the BBQ is - Piazza posts! Cisco Tech Talk (9/3) - XRG event - Seems like they want to cater their own food - Claire is going to check tomorrow to make sure - Claire is going to check what we need to do for this - Facebook event Bright Edge Tech Talk (9/11) - Want to have a tech talk, but they are confirming on the event - We need to know by Tuesday, 8/24 if they confirm - Jason will send them a contract - Search Engine optimization. what their CFO to just talk about stuff - Could ask if they want to talk during GM2 - Sponsorship: $800 - covers food, room reservation, posters, etc - Times are not confirmed -> Going to check with Atalie about what time the XRG event is at the same time Deep Forest Media (9/11) - Microsoft Tech Talk (9/17) - XRG -> Can do some recruiting - Megan will check with Anthony (cc Carolyn) to see if they want food, etc - send out on Thursday, 8/27 - Find out if they need poster, facebook, food Intuit Tech Talk (9/18) - Check with Atalie about this one as well - XRG event that overlaps Meraki Tech Talk (9/22) - Know exactly what they wanna do - Make sure to send the contact to them earlier - Want a sponsorship for the hackathon - will check how much that we want to ask them for - check if they wanna give us judges for the hackaton - two weeks before the event: remind the events person for food, posters, fb event Intuit Hackathon (9/25 - 9/26) - Jason is calling them on Tuesday - Want to get everything sorted out by this Friday (8/28) - Also wanna work with Fyro (not sure what they are going to do for us) - They have two themes for the hack, and you can only do these - 18 hours CFG? - Call Hack into-it - Make sure to get the contract out to them by this Friday (8/28) - Receiving the Swaaaaags Intuit Tech Talk (9/18) - Slow to respond to us; not making it super easy to plan Pinterest Tech Talk (10/1) - Have a specific name for this - Will send out the contact to everyone Summer events - Good job PB! We did really good things over the summer - Plus/Delta for Ice cream social - Pluses: - Turnout was good - people had fun - board games were a hit - Delta - don't get tub ice cream -> too hard to scoop - no sign ups/ didn't set up the sign up thing very well - Plus/Delta for Hack+ - Pluses - lots of people showed up - Deltas - not enough people to help out (officers) - There were people in the office who didn't help out - not a lot of sign ups Sponsorships - we're having a lot of trouble getting to the amount of companies that we want - we don't seem to have enough people - we don't have the ability to reach out to as many companies as HKN - would we want to have an Indrel group? - would also be a great way for the new members to get involved in the CSUA - we could give this a try - only would want officers in the group - add this to the list of officer opportunities Office Misc - Clean up the office? - Food in the office: - we need to make sure that an officer approves the food - we need to make sure that it is being thrown away - Money? - Summer went goodly? - Costco Run New Officers! ACTION LISTS Ana: - order a table cloth for the ice cream social - Prep the Vim workshop - Get some volunteers for the Vim workshop - Tell people to show up more often - when sending out the new officer apps, advertise the indrel/root committees - make CSUA business cards - get some smaller bags for the recycle bins Austino: - Fix the check box for the mailing list - look at the Unix power point so that Claire can review it - Make sure you have a Windows computer so that you can teach the little ones how to instal stuff - Volunteeeers! - Apply to be an officer button on the website Eranda: - make FB events for the Vim/Unix workshops by Monday, 8/24 - Make a note that the first 30 minutes is optional for Windows installation - Talk to Austino about the event description - Make FB event for the Welcome BBQ - Make posters for the Welcome BBQ - Print 25 copies and post Soda/Cory (Hackerspace) - signup sheet for the Welcome BBQ and the Vim/Unix workshops - send out emails to professors so that we can do the in class announcements - Piazza posts by next week! - Cisco Tech Talk FB event by Tuesday 8/25 Megan: - Send out the stamp design by Tuesday (8/25) - Email Atalie about the Brightedge tech talk and the XRG thing on the same day - Email Microsoft (Anthony, cc Carolyn) about tech talk - food, poster, fb event Susanna: - make the side for the Welcome BBQ - make a list of games that we want to bring to the BBQ - write some white board announcements on 2nd floor soda and 310 soda Jason: - Check with Brightedge about the tech talk - Sort out the intuit hack and tech talk by Friday (8/28) - we need to figure out food, posters, fb, etc - Order CSUA business cards Claire: - talk to the department about the faculty lunch