9/24/15 Meeting Minutes Attendance: Leo, Yika, Michelle, Sanath, Kevin, Susanna, Jason, Megan, Ana, Claire Late Peeps: Neil Intuit Tech Talk: - Pluses/Deltas - Pluses: - good speaker! - good turn out - Deltas: - Food timing -> people were getting up during the presentation - should pick at the beginning or the end - Need to make this clear with the company - maybe station people near the food? - not good timing -> moved things too quicky Meraki Tech Talk: - Pluses/Deltas: - Pluses: - speaker was great - food was good - good turn out (compared to RSVP) - Deltas: - late planning/not ideal times to host events Intuit Hackathon (9/25-9/26): - Contract: - want a cost breakdown - Asked for $5k before we knew if they were/were not paying for food - Breakdown: - Food: $2.1k - Drinks: $500 - Pick up: $75 - Room Reservation: $275 - Publicity: $50 - TOTAL: $3k - Plus the organizing time/staffing the event - Total cost to the CSUA = $900 - Phi Sigma Rho wants half of the sponsorship money - 3k (Food/drinks) + 2k (Sponsorships) from before - Ask them for $2.5 k (just about what it would have cost without food) - $1350 sponsorship total - Food/Drinks: - Got from Costco - Ana and Claire are going to pick up food - Publicity: - Eranda posted ~16 in Soda + 2 in Cory - PSR hasn't picked up theirs yet - Facebook event -> push tomorrow - Send email out to members - Timeline: - 8 PM Friday -> Start - 4 PM Saturday -> End Hack - 4:15 -> Judging starts - 5:15 -> Presentation End - Megan will get the timeline confirmed - 310, 405 are overflow rooms - may need to prop them open, etc. GM1 (10/2 8pm - 9pm): - need to email the EECS Grad Student Group asking if we can set up a little early - Plan for food for ~120 people - Chinese? - Indian? - Gypsy's? - Posters? - Eranda will post ~20 by next monday Intersocial with UPE - Possibilities: - League Viewing Party - check with eSports - Ultimate Frisbee - Water balloon fight - BBQ - Hack + - Movie Night - paintball - transportation - make sure that people are going - bowling - We will decide on what we want to do - Movie night, frisbee, and capture the flag seem good CSUA Hackathon (10/30 - 10/31) - Sponsorships? - We have Meraki, but lets try to find 1-2 more - Going to start planning for prizes next week GM2 (11/4) - Speaker: possible past CSUA president - Jonathan Blow - Susanna will email? Facebook Ice cream Social (9/29 12:30 - 2) - Recruiter from facebook who is starting a new project - wants to provide tutoring to students in middle/high school - Aga is bringing all of the icec ream - Megan will post in Jobs and CS Jobs - Need to figure out what CSM/other groups are doing - Find some volunteers in the office day of Office Misc: - Cleaning -> toooonite - Sake's Graphics Card - something's amiss - Tech VP Austino will fix it - Incentives: - Officers/Members who helped at events get priority on computers - ACTION ITEMS: Megan: - Confirm with Phi Sigma Rho about the event times - Post about Facebook Role Model thing in Jobs/CS Jobs Jason: - Contact PSR about the contract details ($2500) - See if we can find any more sponsors for the hackathon Eranda: - Push the Intuit Hackathon FB Event - Send out a mail to mailing list about Intuit Hackathon - Post posters by next Monday for GM1 Susanna: - Email the EECS Grad Student Group - Figure out what kind of food that we want - Check with UPE about what we want to do - Email Jonathan Blow about being the speaker for GM2 Ana: - Make a new sheet of rules