9/7/15 Meeting Minutes Attendance: Ana, Claire, Sanath, Neil, Leo, Susana, Austino, Eranda, Megan, Jeremy Unix Workshop - Pluses and Deltas - Pluses: - Midsize -> good amount of people - presentation was pretty good - people asked a lot of questions - Deltas - could have paced the workshop better - Just move on if only a few people don't get it - Don't have snacks next time - exercises were put up late Vim Workshop - Pluses and Deltas - Pluses: - Turn out was pretty good - Kara, Claire, Megan helped out a lot - presentation was good - exercises were good - Deltas - Not enough help? - release the exercises beforehand so officers can learn them PDT Techtalk (9/10 7-8 PM): - send out an email to all of the members - Close the office when we go? - Megan could kick out anyone who's in the office at the time - Need to create incentives to go to events - "stars" or something to become eligible to go to another event DeepForest Media (9/11 5-7 PM ): - Eranda will put the event on facebook - They want Sliver and Soda - Megan and Claire will figure that one out - Any way to try and publicize more? - probably not, just a small company. - A lot of freshman might show up anyway - Eranda will just spam on the fb group - could ask Atalie to try and get her to send out a reminder for the students Brightedge Techtalk(9/11 7-8): - Contract: being sent out tomorrow morning - flyers are being designed and sent to us by tomorrow - room is good - Food - about 100 people on the FB event - Need to get a table to put in front of HP - Need to get a key to HP - THAI FOOD - Going to start at 7 and just tell them about "BerkeleyTime" Hackerrank World Cup (9/12): - Contract: Being sent out tomorrow morning - Eranda has the flyers - Hackerrank is bringing their own swag - How is the TechTalk going to work? - It is going to be the world cup, but we have the same responsibilities we would if we had a tech talk - This is a six hour event: how does that change the event - do we need to do snacks? - The main event is to be the world cup? - Jason will ask about what kind of timeline they're looking for - Tentative Timeline: - 10 AM: WorldCup - 12 PM: Tech talk and Lunch - 1 PM: Hack some more - (Snack in between?) - 4 PM: Event ends - We need to decide how much we should spend on snacks - if we were to do pizza, it would be ~$7 per person - aim for 150 people - lets not do pizza -> GYPSYS - We need to change this to a CFG -> Providing food over a longer period of time - Ana and Claire will pick up snacks from Costco - Logistics: - catering - publicity Intuit Tech Talk (9/18 7:30 - 8:30(?)) - Contract being sent out tomorrow morning - Provide flyers and swag - we do catering and social media publicity - Eranda will make a fb event - Jason will figure out what they're talking about to help make the fb event Meraki Infosession (9/22 7:30 (?) - 8:30) - Need to check with the Student group about the XRG event - Megan will email on Friday - Contract: Being sent out tomorrow - Eranda should have the flyers - Facebook event next week - Food ordered by Sunday (9/20) Intuit Hackathon (9/25 - 9/27 8 PM - 11:30 PM) - Contract is in progress; waiting on Phi Sigma Rho to figure things out - How much do we wanna ask for? - We need to do 3 meals (2 large + 1 small) -> $2000 - Drinks and Snacks -> $700 - Room Reservation -> $200 - Posters and Expenses -> $100 - Ask for about $4k for the event - if PSR thinks this is unfair, we could print the posters and give it to them - Phi Sigma Rho is providing publicity - will check if they're sending anyone to help out with the event - Timeline: - 9 PM Friday: Hacking Start - 3 PM Saturday: Hacking End - 3-4 PM Saturday: Presentations - 4-4:30 PM Saturday: Judging and prizes - 5 PM Saturday: Event end - We need to check with Atalie to see if we could get the Woz reservation any earlier? Office Misc: - Shouldn't let people eat at the computers without plates, napkins, etc - Do we have a solution for people who damage the equipment? - not let them game? - Space on Sake; Ctrl on Mead are both sticky - perhaps we need a list of people to take special care with ACTION ITEMS: Ana: - Figure out the Costco run with Claire - Bright Edge - Hackerrank - Deepforest - Restock - File those damn reimbursements woman! Claire: - Front money for the DeepForest infosession by Wednesday/Thursday - Figure out the Costco run with Ana Eranda: - email out a reminder for the PDT tech talk - Print out the Hackerrank flyers - Print out the Brightedge flyers - push the facebook events into other groups - Make the Intuit Techtalk FB event by Thursday - Make the facebook event for the Intuit Hackathon by Friday - Piazza post as well - Create the FB event for the Meraki Infoession next Monday (9/14) Austino: - Fix the mailing lists Megan: - Check with Atalie about fyers from PDT? - Order food for the DeepForest infosession - Ask Atalie to send out a reminder for the DeepForest infosession - Also ask her to advertise Brightedge - Ask the department for two tables outside of HP before Friday afternoon (Chris) - Order Thai food for Bright edge - Order Gypsys for Hackerrank - talk with the student group about the XRG event that overlaps with the Intuit techtalk - Talk to Intuit about the tech talk - ask for $4k - check with PhiSigmaRho about what they are going to do - Check with Atalie to see if we could get the Woz reservation any earlier for the Intuit Hackathon - Get Woz access for the Hackerrank event - Email the student group about the Meraki Infosession overlap by Friday - Timeline for the CSUA Hackathon for Meraki - how long, what kinda of prizes, time of food, judges, etc. Jason: - Add dates and times to all of the contracts - Send out the Brightedge Techtalk Contract - Send out the Hackerrank Contract - ask Hackerrank for a timeline for the event - Change this to more of a CFG event (make sure to explain why) - ask if we are going to provide snacks - Send Megan the contact with Phi Sigma Rho for the Intuit hackathon - Talk to Intuit about what exactly they're talking about - try to get this by Thursday - Get flyers by Thursday - Make sure PSR sends back the contract by Thursday - Send out the Meraki Infosession contract - Check to see if Meraki is going to sponsor our CSUA Hackathon - Check to see if Microsoft would like to sponsor the CSUA Hackathon Susanna: