Attendance ========== - Here : Megan, Jason, Jessica, Kevin, Ani, Sean, Sophie, Sritam, Nithin, Arthur, Yannan, Robert, Daniel. Mark. Neil - Walked in at 7:56 to hoser pizza : Caleb - Walked in at 8:15 and left : Anna Topics ====== - Goals this semester - Flyers - Root - Mark "Blockchain" Hill is the new techVP!! - Robert will be staying around to help tho :) - Mark has plans to improve the GPU cluster - We need a new init daemon - We aren't killing processes - Goals - Making the computing server more open - Original intention for only having a specific group able to access was such that we can monitor usage - THE CSUA BLOCK CHAIN WILL COME SOON - Workshops - No updates - Jason is down to do LaTeX next semester!! - We could do a workshop series - But we have tried this in the past, but this requires a lot more commitment from both us and the people there - We should do LaTeX as soon as possible - Workshops we should do - LaTeX - Jason - Week 2-3 - Before first real CS70 homework - Unix/Vim - Robert - Early-ish - Git - Robert - Later-ish - Personal website workshop series - Starr/Charles? - Sritam - Mid semester - Kubernetes - Barak Michener - Later - Docker - JT's friend? - Later - Tutoring - Going well! - Podcast - For future pb to talk about - Photos - We have a camcorder - We should get a camera - Swag/rebranding - We need some more crewnecks, around 300 dolla - We're going to table this until next semester, no one has $ :< - BEA - No - Bear Founders - We're probably going to plan a panel with them next semester with Berkeley engineers who started startups - They'll prolly be at the Startup Fair - Retreat - We got a beach house!! - It looks hella nice - We're trying to finalize cars and rides tonight - Arthur is going to Enterprise and looking at Zipcar tomorrow to get confirmation - Confirmed Drivers: Neil/JT - Andy might be able drive if he's available - Caleb/Nerissa/Jessica/Robert are willing to drive - Waiting on Austin - We're capping out at 25, we're at 23 right now - Arthur is going to post a more detailed schedule later - Rough schedule - Leave 2-3PM or 8-9PM depending on when people are ready - Return Sunday afternoon around 11AM - We probably will do hiking, go into Downtown Carmel, and go to the beach! - We're planning on doing Barbeque on one of the days - Also another day where we cook and eat as a huge group - And probably another day were we eat lunch on CSUA's dime - We need to go on a Costco run - There's a few on the way if we want to do it day of - If you have ideas for Carmel, tell Arthur ASAP so we can do things!! - Arthur will release an itinerary soon - + / Δ - Hackathon - We spent a decent amount - Post mortem meeting on Sunday, if you have any thoughts about the hackathon go and voice them! - We'll probably do this again next Spring to not conflict with CalHacks - VR@B and IEEE are great to work with - "They(VR@B) hauled ass" - Megan - If we do this again a lot of the work is already done for future iterations - + - ~20 submissions - ~100 attendees, probably the maximum - Not as many as we thought(250 double confirmed) - Good amount of food - Great event! - Δ - Poorly judged - Not graded highly on technical skills - "I would agree with that, we somehow got into the finals" - Nithin - The hacks that did well were heavily graphical hacks that looked nice in the presentation - During the initial round, presentability was valued way more than technical skill :< - Maybe have a rubric? - Dominated by VR hacks - Categories? - But if we do this then we'll have to give out more prizes(Unreasonable ratio of submissions to prizes) - If we have more people then this could work or split the prize tracks a bit more - Cal IDs taken for VR and were misplaced - Riot Games - + - Food - All seats were filled - Technically not very well attended for a Riot Games event, but was the very end of the semester so to be expected - Δ - Talk was meh - Swap sign in and food tables - Non-volunteers were handling and jacking food - Hide it in a bag for the future - GM #3 - + - Smooth GM, it was less than 3 hours!!! - Enough food - Δ - We should try to push people to go for roles more - Give officers increased roles - Events - Cal day 4/21 - Get your shirts tomorrow at 205 Cory! - 12-1 Pizza party for lunch on Cal Day for volunteers - Tours - You walk around Soda and tell people what things are - Mostly will be people(parents) asking questions about Cal - Declaring - Success at Berkeley - Research - Make sure people realize that Berkeley CS is a supportive and cooperative effort! - Dissipate the myths of the "EECS experience" - Be prepared for some rudeness :') - Emphasize some of the coolest parts of Berkeley! - We're banning video games in the office on Cal Day - Alum Lunch 4/22 - Arthur is not here this weekend - We're ordering Hummingbirds hopefully - Arthur will do this - Megan can pick them up - Jessica will send reminders so hopefully the alumni will come! - 17 going, 55 interested - Get food for 25/30 - Msft thing - No one responded - Msft Fortnite - No one responded - Tell them to ask someone else, its during our retreat - SLC - Presented to the faculty today - Four main topics - Culture - Academic Dishonesty - Course Growth/Scaling - Student Health - Expressed the undergraduate survey from HKN - Next time we have this opportunity to do this, we should definitely continue with this! - Prosps - Prosp.format - Name/Year/Major - What did you help out at - What changed with your expectations with regards to CSUA Officership? - Pitch - Quiz Question - Sritam - Sritam, Math/CS, Freshman - Throwing out Pizza boxes, Soda Hacks, GM3 - Joined because of his friends, but stayed because of opportunities to help out with events + teaching - Pitch was decent - Shouldn't mention gaming though - If someone wants to pay with a for a $1 item with $10 bill and theres $1 in the money box wut do? - He failed the quiz question - 7 dollars in the money box at the max - We don't have the change :( - Someone walks in and wants some to let them in - He passed! - Technically you shouldn't because UCPD gets mad