Attendance: - Here: Daniel, Ben, Mark, Ani, Sophie, Ray, Jessica, Robert, JT, Starr, Nithin, Barak, Justin, Ben, Sean, Andy, Charles, Jeffrey, Chong-Min, Alex, Ben, Varun, Charles, Sagnick - Late: Topics: - Events - Calapalooza - 8/30 - + - Jessica did great with the flyers - Helpers did great! - Swag worked, brought in a lot of people - lots of emails - Δ - Rushed - Need better attendance! - More fliers needed - GM #1 - 8/31 - Thai food status: ordered - 2 veggies, 1 regular dish, expecting 60-80 people - A bit late on GM1, no concrete numbers. - Similar to welcome social, more about what we do business. - Need to create/push FB events - For PB: coordinate communication for event management - Riot Games - 9/5 - 5-7:30 - Venue? - Advertising should be pushed harder - Yelp - 9/6 - Doing their own catering - Ask them about co-hosting FB event - Need to push this ASAP, get details cleared up - Workshops - LaTeX soon - Most schedulings delayed due to HP/Woz booking conflicts - Attendance is generally very low, LaTeX might have more - LaTeX is highest priority - Misc. - Officers - Welcome back, children - Officers should have door code + everything now - Officer training is required - date TBD, snacks/agenda? - Startup Fair - Talks w/ IEEE and HKN - Doing more fliers - Flyers - Paste em everywhere, Soda bulletin boards are OK - Yelp - Hand them out to people as they come in - For the love of God, please be clean - Office cleanup today - Whip people into shape - Latte - Something went wrong with the GPU cluster - Mark fixed it - Introduction to the PB! - Daniel: Pres, Mark: VP Tech, Ani: Internal, Ray: Sec/Treas, Sophie: External, Jessica: Outreach, Ben: VP Indrel - Prosps - Jeffrey - EECS Freshman - CSUA is a cool place to hang out, good place to meet new people interested in CS/EECS/whatever - Not too sure about what being an officer means, but interested + applying - Sinclair -> Imitation Game owo - Chong-Min? - Mech E Sophomore - CSUA is cool, cool people - Hug -> Penguins of Madagascar - Not sure if wants to be an officer just yet - Alex - Math, CS Sophomore - Been here for a year, thinks it's pretty cool - Wants to help out here b/c it's like IEEE: help the EECS community - Anant Sahai -> Inception - Ben Chen - CS, Spanish(!) Sophomore - Only half a year, but loves CS - Want to talk to similar people - No friends from last semester :( - Why officership: want to help out at events and tutoring - Take Hilfinger -> Twilight - Varun - Sophomore, just got into CS - Clubs are stuck up, have professional level - Friendly club <3 - Officership: like club, want to help more - Anant Sahai the matrix - Sagnick ? - Why CSUA? 8 Pascal GPUs - Walked in, people were friendly: Ani was friendly <3 - Like the vibes - Other infosessions: insulated, pretend to be better (elitist) - Why officership: - Athena - Charles: Freshman, intended CS - Why CSUA: I heard about CSUA, walked in before my first CS class. - Ani was there. Talked. Ani is so nice <3 - Want to contribute: so be an officer - DeNero to British movie because IDK